An avalon web app for starting the game and keeping stats, built in Clojure, ClojureScript, and Reagent.
Includes Leiningen and requires Java 1.8+. Follow the README for the reagent-template project for more detail.
For development, just run:
./bin/lein fig:app
In IntelliJ w/Cursive, you can connect using the REPL run configuration. Once lein is started, attach using the REPL option.
(fill-test-data 9)
That will create a game and fill with 9 players. Then you can copy the id and join in the browser. Start the game there and you can see individual roles with:
(play-roles "<id>")
That will generate the url to see each player's information.
There's a special main function to analyse randomness:
./bin/lein run -m subtle-bias N
Where N is the number of iterations to try (default 1000). Larger than 10,000 may take a long time.
Result is [bool bool], where it indicates if the first and last players are good and bad respectively.