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Barkibu's Knowledge Base API sdk

A wrapper of Barkibu's Knowledge Base Endpoint to make those entities and their respective CRUD operations available to a ruby app.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'barkibu-kb'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install kb


This gem wraps the Knowledge Base Api and exposes CRUD-able entities into the requiring application.


The configuration of the connection to the Knowledge Base is done using ENV variable:

  • KB_API_KEY: the Knowledge Base API Key

  • KB_PARTNER_KEY: the Partner KB Key

  • KB_API_URL_TEMPLATE: the template url of the Knowledge Base where will be extrapolated bounded_context, version and entity.

    For instance: https://dev.api.%{bounded_context}{version}/%{entity}.

Cache configuration

We add the ability to cache GET responses. To enable it, just set KB.config.cache properties:

# config/initializers/kb_ruby.rb
KB.config.cache.instance = Rails.cache #
KB.config.cache.expires_in = 1.second # 0 by default
KB.config.log_level = :debugger # :info by default

Request timeout configuration

# config/initializers/kb_ruby.rb
KB.config.request.timeout = 10 # 5 by default

Exposed Entities

Pet Parent 🧍🏾

KB::PetParent acts almost like an ActiveRecord implementing ActiveModel::Model exposing:

  • find
    • arg: key string
    • returns: a PetParent instance when provided an existing key or raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
  • create
    • arg: attributes to initialize the entity
    • returns: the raw attributes of the created PetParent instance
    • throws an KB::Error exception if something went wrong
  • find_or_create_by
    • arg: attributes, additional_attributes to look for or initialize the entity
    • returns: look for a PetParent matching the passed attributes or initialize and persist one with the given attributes and launching the block provided
    • throws an KB::Error exception if something went wrong
  • all
    • arg: filters hash of filters
    • returns: an array of PetParent instances matching the filters
  • save!
    • persists (create or update) the entity to the Knowledge Base
    • throws an KB::Error exception if something went wrong
  • destroy!
    • deletes the entity in the Knowledge Base
    • throws a KB::Error exception if something went wrong
  • contracts
    • returns all the KB::PetContract associated with this pet parent
  • referrals
    • returns all the KB::Referral associated with this pet parent
  • referrers
    • returns all the KB::Referral associated with any of the pet parent's pets
  • iban
    • returns the IBAN of the pet parent
  • update_iban
    • arg: iban string
    • updates the IBAN of the pet parent and reloads the entity

Assessment 📄

KB::Assessment represents a read-only resource exposing:

  • find
    • arg: key string
    • returns: an Assessment instance when provided an existing key or raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound
  • all
    • arg: filters hash of filters
    • returns: an array of Assessment instances matching the filters

Condition 🏷

KB::Condition represents a read-only resource.

Symptom 🩺

KB::Symptom represents a read-only resource.

Pet 🐶🐱

KB::Pet represents a resource exposing:

  • all
    • arg: filters hash of filters
    • returns: an array of Pet instances matching the filters
  • create
    • arg: attributes to initialize the entity
    • returns: the raw attributes of the Pet instance
    • throws an KB::Error exception if something went wrong
  • find_or_create_by
    • arg: attributes, additional_attributes to look for or initialize the entity
    • returns: look for a Pet matching the passed attributes or initialize and persist one with the given attributes and launching the block provided
    • throws an KB::Error exception if something went wrong
  • save!
    • persists (create or update) the entity to the Knowledge Base
    • throws an KB::Error exception if something went wrong
  • destroy!
    • deletes the entity in the Knowledge Base
    • throws a KB::Error exception if something went wrong
  • contracts
    • returns all the KB::PetContract associated with this pet
  • upsert
    • updates KB:Pet if exists a Pet with same name for its PetParent
    • creates a new KB:Pet if not exists a Pet with same name for its PetParent

PetContract 📝

KB::PetContract represents a resource exposing:

  • find
    • arg: key the key of the contract in the Knowledge Base
    • returns the contract with the matching key
    • throws an KB::Error or KB::ResourceNotFound exception if something went wrong
  • find_by_contract_number
    • arg: contract_number the contract number to find
    • returns the identified KB::PetContract
    • throws an KB::Error or KB::ResourceNotFound exception if something went wrong
  • create
    • arg: attributes to initialize the entity
    • returns: the raw attributes of the PetContract instance
    • throws an KB::Error exception if something went wrong
  • save!
    • persists (create or update) the entity to the Knowledge Base
    • throws an KB::Error exception if something went wrong
  • search
    • arg: filters hash. Currently, KB API supports these keys:
      • page: results page number. Default 0.
      • size: amount of results per page. Default 10.
      • chip: searches contracts by insured pet chip
    • returns: a hash including:
      • total: total amount of contracts found
      • page: current page number
      • elements: array of PetContract instances matching the filters

Plan 🗺

KB::Plan represents a resource exposing:

  • all
    • returns: the array of available plans


> KB Breed endpoint requires `locale` as param. By default is set to 'es-es' but can be override setting **KB_BREEDS_DEFAULT_LOCALE** ENV var

KB::Breed represents a resource exposing:

  • all
    • arg: filters hash of filters
    • returns: and array of Breed instances matching the filters
  • dogs (alias for all(species: 'dog'))
    • arg: filters hash of filters
    • returns: and array of Dog Breed instances matching the filters
  • cats (alias for all(species: 'cat'))
    • arg: filters hash of filters
    • returns: and array of Cat Breed instances matching the filters


KB::Referral represets a referral resource

  • create
    • arg: pet_parent_key, attributes to initialize the entity
    • returns: the raw attributes of the Referral instance
    • throws an KB::Error exception if something went wrong

Make an ActiveRecord wrap a KB entity

The KB::Concerns::AsKBWrapper concern has been created in order to easily make an ActiveRecord model wrap a KB model.

To use it:

  • include it into your wrapping model, define an attribute kb_key on your wrapping model
  • call wrap_kb with the wrapped KB model class (available option: skip_callback)

You have then access to the wrapped model under kb_model and can delegate attributes to it, for instance:

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
  include KB::Concerns::AsKBWrapper

  wrap_kb model: KB::PetParent

  KB_DELEGATED_ATTRIBUTES = %i[email first_name].freeze

  KB_DELEGATED_ATTRIBUTES.each do |attribute|
    delegate attribute, to: :kb_model, prefix: false
    delegate "#{attribute}=", to: :kb_model, prefix: false

user = User.create(first_name: 'Léo', email: '[email protected]')
p user.kb_model
# => #<KB::PetParent: 0x000055fd72d32c30 key: "373ad90e-c2ce-46cb-9749-deb2b03be995", first_name: "Léo", ..., email: "[email protected]">

Mock the API calls in test environment

For testing purposes, you may want to fake Knowledge Base’s API calls. We provide a FakeApi app that you can use including the kb-fake gem in your dev/test dependencies.

Add gem webmock and gem sinatra to your Gemfile to use the following configuration:

    # ...

    RSpec.configure do |config|
        # ...
        config.before(:all) do
            stub_request(:any, /

        config.around(:each) do |example|
            snapshot = KB::Fake::Api.snapshot()
            stub_request(:any, /
            KB::Fake::Api.restore snapshot
        # ...

Make sure to set the KB_API_URL_TEMPLATE to something that will match above the request interceptor, for instance:{version}/%{entity}

You should be able to use the API seemlessly and the calls to the API will be intercepted and a local one used instead in a similar fashion to how ActiveRecord operations are wrapped into a transaction in a rails app with use_transactional_fixtures activated.

Development & Testing

docker compose run --rm kb bash
> bundle install
> rspec

You can also start an interactive console if needed:

KB_API_URL_TEMPLATE={version}/%{entity} \
KB_API_KEY=YourKbApiKey \
KB_PARTNER_KEY=YourKbPartnerKey \


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at[USERNAME]/kb. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the KB project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.