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FlightGear AI ATC and Aircraft multiplayer server

A complete FlightGear multiplayer server with AI ATC, AI Planes, interactive map. Messages are sent and received only in the tunned frequency.

Licensed under the GNU GPLv2 License (see the COPYING file )

In beta stage. Fully functional, but with many bugs.

The project contains:

  • Nasal script that detects COMM frequency and tune in to AI ATC in the server. Includes a dialog for sending messages.

  • Multiplayer server that

    • send positions of near planes, real and AI to you.
    • relays traffic messages between players and ATCs
    • optionally, relays all positions and messages to a FG MP server.
  • Celery task that creates AI ATCs on demand and react to player's messages For instance, you can send a message like

San Francisco Tower, Ready to taxi, YOURCALLSIGN

and the AI ATC that you are tunned in will respond with something like

YOURCALLSIGN, Taxi to runway 28 and hold short

  • Celery task that creates AI Planes on demand.

  • Django admin app for configuration and administration of airports, aircrafts and AI traffic.

  • An interactive map (made with Leaflet), that shows current multiplayer and AI traffic.


  • Python 3.x (tested with v3.6 and 3.12)

  • Django 5.x(tested with v5.1.6)

  • Python database driver for your DB of choice (psycopg2, python-mysql,etc)

  • Geographiclib

  • Metar

  • NumPy

  • SciPy

...and many others listed in the requirements file

Most of this packages (except python-metar) comes with all major Linux distributions. Try installing them with Apt, Yum, etc.

If you want to use a virtualenv, use the requirements.txt file to install all the dependencies.


  1. Make sure you have all the requirements installed.

  2. Grab the code and place it in some directory.

  3. Create a database.

  4. Copy fgserver/ to and edit to suit your needs (mostly db configuration)

  5. Generate the tables with

    $ python migrate
  6. Install the Nasal script

There is a neat script in fgserver/tools/ that imports ALL the airports, whith runway and comm information, into the database from FlightGear's apt-dat.gz (or any X-Plane v1000 airport file)


  1. Run the Django app: $ python runserver
  2. Point to your host (i.e.: http://localhost:8000) and do some admin stuff like:
    • Create airports and runways
    • Create AI Aircrafts.
  3. Run the server: $ python -m fgserver.server.mpserver
  4. Run the ATC celery task: $ celery -A fgserver worker -Q atc
  5. Optionally, run the AI planes celery task. $ celery -A fgserver worker -Q ai
  6. Start Flightgear and use the server address as a multiplayer server. The default port is 5100. ex: $ fgfs --multiplay=out,10,localhost,5100 --multiplay=in,10,localhost,5001 or add those parameters into the Additional Settings box of the launcher, on separate lines.
  7. Tune the radio to some ATC controller's frequency in range. If succesfull, you'll see a notification "Tunned to xxxx" Now you can use the menu with the key ' and communicate with the ATC controllers. NOTE: the ATC menu will show ONLY when tunned to an active ATC in range.
  8. Access the interactive map in /map/ (i.e.: http://localhost:8000/map/). With no other parameters, it will show the SABE airport area (Buenos Aires, Argentina). You can use the icao parameter to customize the startup location of the map. (i.e.: http://localhost:8000/map/?icao=KSFO) or change the FGATC_MAP_DEFAULT_ICAO variable in


[x] Enhance METAR loading and caching.

[x] List of pilots on map (and click-to-pan to the pilot, of course!)

[x] Enhance AI tower's traffic management.

[ ] Create more AI traffic types (currently there's only a left circuit )

[x] Implement ground routes directions using Dijkstra's shortest path algorithm.

[x] Relay positions to FlightGear's official MP servers.

[ ] Enhance map interactions

[ ] Implement [RAAS] (

[ ] ATIS service

[ ] Transponder code

[ ] Use [OpenRadar] ( aliases for ATC responses