Program to process incoming movies and tv shows for use in the unlimited plex server setup. (Amazon Cloud Drive with ENCFS encryption) This will cycle through your new media downloads, convert them to mp4, upload to amazon cloud drive then update your plex library
Requirements: Amazon Cloud Drive account ACD_CLI ENCFS rclone sickbeard_mp4_automator
Updating the my.conf file: encfs_pass: save your password encfs password here amazon_subdirectory: directory in amazon cloud drive to save all your media to sleep_time: time between scans
plex_movies_refresh and plex_tv_refresh refresh urls to use http://[location]:[port]/library/sections/[library id]/refresh?X-Plex-Token=[token] The library id can be found by opening plex server in your browser then opening the library (Movies or TV) You will see something like this server/1963a31a289d3e6536e6510ed75e2f776c272bfb/section/2/all in the url In this case the id is 2
The token can be found by clicking on a movie or tv show >> info >> viewxml
The token will be in the url
Create the encrypted mount folder for amazon cloud mkdir ~/UPS-mech/.media All of these folder locations can be customized in my.conf
Create the decrypted mount folder for amazon cloud mkdir ~/UPS-mech/media
----If this is your first time setting up the encrypted and decrypted folders----
mount acd to ~/UPS-mech/.media
acd_cli mount --modules="subdir,subdir=/Videos" /home/user/UPS-mech/.media
change subdir and user to your own
must use full path names (not ~/UPS-mech/.media)
mount the decrypted drive
encfs /home/user/UPS-mech/.media /home/user/UPS-mech/media
must use full path names
Change the user in the paths in the my.conf file to your own
copy the encfs file for backup cd ~/UPS-mech/.media cp .encfs6.xml ~/UPS-mech
create these folders mkdir ~/UPS-mech/incoming/TV mkdir ~/UPS-mech/incoming/Movies
using with Sonarr / Sickbeard have these programs run first. point tv show downloads to be saved to ~/UPS-mech/incoming/TV and movies to ~/UPS-mech/incoming/Movies UPS-mech will watch these locations