A simple script created following TCM-Sec course 101 python for hackers. The repository pourpose is to follow my knowledge progress. As I acquire knowledge, I will improve the script.
First of all we need to get the password hash that is in pass.txt file. For this example we're using the password python:
└─$ echo -ne python | sha256sum
This should return something like this
Then our script will try to crack that hash:
└─$ python sha256-crack.py 11a4a60b518bf24989d481468076e5d5982884626aed9faeb35b8576fcd223e1
If everything goes right, the console should return
[+] Attempting to crack: 11a4a60b518bf24989d481468076e5d5982884626aed9faeb35b8576fcd223e1!
: Password hash found after 0 attempts! python hashes to 11a4a60b518bf24989d481468076e5d5982884626aed9faeb35b8576fcd223e1!