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Linear Algebra Library

lalgebra.js (c) 2017 Boris Buimov

version 1.3.0

This library contains functions and a class to work with elements of linear algebra - points, lines, segments, planes, spaces, vectors and matrixes. (With unit tests and a JSDoc documentation).


lalgebra.Matrix.initElems(array) - Initialises elements of the matrix.

lalgebra.Matrix.getElems() - Gets elements of the matrix.

lalgebra.Matrix.getRows() - Gets an amount of rows of the matrix.

lalgebra.Matrix.getCols() - Gets an amount of columns of the matrix.

lalgebra.Matrix.getElem(idxRow, idxCol) - Gets an element of the matrix.

lalgebra.Matrix.setElem(val, idxRow, idxCol) - Sets a value to the element of the matrix.

lalgebra.Matrix.Matrix#determinant() - Computes a determinant of the matrix.

lalgebra.Matrix.Matrix#getCopy() - Copies the matrix.

lalgebra.Matrix.Matrix#getMinor(idxRow, idxCol) - Gets a submatrix without one row and one column.

lalgebra.Matrix.Matrix#inverse() - Inverses the matrix.

lalgebra.Matrix.Matrix#multiply(matrix) - Multiplys two matrixes.

lalgebra.Matrix.Matrix#trace() - Displays the array elements into columns like in matrixes.

lalgebra.Matrix.Matrix#transpose() - Transposes the matrix.

lalgebra.Matrix.Matrix#normolize() - Normolizes the matrix of an object in homogeneous coordinates to get a back projection into the actual dimensional space.

lalgebra.getIntersection(a1, a2, b1, b2) - Finds an intersection of two segments.

lalgebra.normal(a, b, c) - Computes a normal to the plane.

lalgebra.scalarProduct(a, b) - Computes a scalar (dot) product of two vectors.

lalgebra.tripleProduct(a, b, c) - Computes a scalar triple product of three vectors.

lalgebra.vectorMagnitude(a) - Computes a magnitude (length) of the vector.

lalgebra.vectorProduct(a, b) - Computes a vector (cross) product of two vectors.

lalgebra.getAngles(vector) - Computes two angles: first - between a vector projection on the plane y=0 and the z-axis, second - between a vector and the y-axis.

lalgebra.cartesianToSpherical(cart) - Converts Cartesian coordinates into spherical coordinates.

lalgebra.radianToDegree(radian) - Converts radians into degrees.

lalgebra.degreeToRadian(degree) - Converts degrees into radians.