This week we updated the UI
- User should see the app icon
- User should see a splash screen
- User should see an flip animation when revealing the answer
- User should see a slide animation when going to the next flashcard
- User should see a slide animation when going to the previous flashcard
- Push code to GitHub
- User should see a nicer flaschard with rounded corners, shadows, and animating when showing the first time
- User should see all views properly layout when using the app on a phone of different sizes
- Correct answer in multiple choice should be random
This past week we added the functionality to save the flashcards to the disk so that the data is not lost and the ability to go through all the flashcards that have been made!
- User can browse through multiple flashcards
- User can re-open the app and see previously created flashcards
- Push code to GitHub
- User can delete a flashcard
- User can edit existing flashcard
- User can store multiple choice questions
This past week we added the functionality to add new flashcards!
- User can open the creation screen
- User can cancel out of the creation screen
- User can enter a new question and answer in the creation screen to then show it on the flashcard
- Push code to GitHub
- User gets an error if they try to create a new flashcard with no question or answer
- User can edit existing flashcard
- User can add multiple choice answers in the creation screen
Created initial user interface for the Flashcard App
- Create New Project in Xcode
- Add a view for the front side of the flashcard to display the question
- Add a view for the back side of the flashcard to display the answer
- Build in logic to show the answer side when the card is tapped
- Push code to GitHub
- Toggle the flashcard between the question side and the answer side
- Style the question and answer side of the card to better distinguish between the two sides
- Add selectable multiple choice answers beneath the card