stow -v 2 -d ~/dev/dotfiles -t ~ --dotfiles tig
stow -v 2 -d ~/dev/dotfiles -t ~ --dotfiles ack
stow -v 2 -d ~/dev/dotfiles -t ~ --dotfiles emacs-from-scratch
stow -v 2 -d ~/dev/dotfiles -t ~ --dotfiles spacemacs
stow -v 2 -d ~/dev/dotfiles -t ~ --dotfiles zsh
stow -v 2 -d ~/dev/dotfiles -t ~ --dotfiles ruby
stow -v 2 -d ~/dev/dotfiles -t ~ --dotfiles xmodmap
stow -v 2 -d ~/dev/dotfiles -t ~/.config --dotfiles i3wm
stow -v 2 -d ~/dev/dotfiles -t ~/.config --dotfiles dunst
This file is sensible cause it contains your email. So this file is not symlinked.
stow -v 2 -d ~/dev/dotfiles -t ~ --dotfiles git
You will have to edit the user section:
name = John Doe
email = [email protected]
La documentation pour la config est sur Drive dans Notes