#DeepSea A color scheme for IDEA-based *Storm IDEs. JetBrains.com
DeepSea is a color scheme based on "River" for Komodo, customized and ported to PHPStorm.
While all languages should be usable, the following languages are considered complete with the DeepSea scheme:
- Markdown
- Javascript
DeepSea was written for PHPStorm 3.0, but should work on any 3.0+ Storm IDE.
Copy the .xml file to wherever your IDE stores color schemes on your OS. On Mac, this location is ~/Library/Preferences/WebIde10/colors/. For extra awesomeness, you could fork this theme on GitHub, clone your forked repo, and symlink the xml file to this location so that you can commit your changes and submit pull requests. You know. If you're awesome.
No copyright is claimed on this theme. Enjoy :).
DeepSea is based on "River" for Komodo. Customized and ported by Tom Frost. Other contributors can be found in the contributor listing.