What's Changed
- Feature/descw 2005 ipwhitelist by @ShawnTurple in #10
- Created backup-restore.yaml Job Template to make restoring from a bac… by @ShawnTurple in #11
- Added instance label selector to network policy templates to properly… by @ShawnTurple in #12
- Feature/descw 2005 chart dependency updates by @ShawnTurple in #13
- Removed repository setting, using default by @ShawnTurple in #14
- DESCW-2005 implementing mongodb updates, and additional updates by @ShawnTurple in #16
- Feature/update helm dependencies by @mhaswell-bcgov in #17
- remove hpa-cron.yaml by @kshapka-bcgov in #18
- Feature/build package by @mhaswell-bcgov in #19
New Contributors
- @ShawnTurple made their first contribution in #10
- @kshapka-bcgov made their first contribution in #18
Full Changelog: https://github.com/bcgov/des-notifybc/commits/4.1.10