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Brendan Coles edited this page Dec 21, 2017 · 11 revisions

SSRF Proxy configuration options fall within several main categories:

  1. Server
  2. SSRF Connection
  3. SSRF Request
  4. Client Request Modification
  5. HTTP Response Modification


The proxy server accepts --interface and --port options.

  Server options:
   -p, --port=PORT        Listen port (Default: 8081)
       --interface=IP     Listen interface (Default:

SSRF Connection

These options specify settings used to connect to the host vulnerable to SSRF.

       --ssl              Connect using SSL/TLS.
       --proxy=PROXY      Use a proxy to connect to the server.
                          (Supported proxies: http, https, socks)
       --insecure         Skip server SSL certificate validation.
       --timeout=SECONDS  Connection timeout in seconds (Default: 10)

SSRF Request

The SSRF request options specify the details required to both craft a valid HTTP request to the vulnerable server and craft a valid SSRF request to a user-supplied destination URL.

The destination URL is signified by the placeholder (xxURLxx by default) which must be present somewhere in the URL, headers or body. All instances of the placeholder will be overwritten by the client request before the SSRF request is sent to the vulnerable server.

   -u, --url=URL          Target URL vulnerable to SSRF.
   -f, --file=FILE        Load HTTP request from a file.
       --placeholder=STR  Placeholder indicating SSRF insertion point.
                          (Default: xxURLxx)
                          (Default: GET)
       --post-data=DATA   HTTP post data
       --cookie=COOKIE    HTTP cookies (separated by ';')
       --user=USER[:PASS] HTTP basic authentication credentials.
       --user-agent=AGENT HTTP user-agent (Default: none)
       --rules=RULES      Rules for parsing client request
                          (separated by ',') (Default: none)
       --no-urlencode     Do not URL encode client request

Of particular note is the rules option. This option allows specifying a series of rules to be applied to the client request, before the placeholder is overwritten, to ensure the request to the vulnerable server is compatible with the SSRF vulnerability. Rules are executed in the order in which they're provided.

For example, consider a SSRF vulnerability where the destination URL is first base64 decoded before the server requests the URL. In this instance, the --rules base64 argument would be provided, to ensure the client request was base64 encoded before replacing the URL placeholder, thus ensuring the request is well formed.

The following rules are available:

        when 'noproto'
          str = str.gsub(%r{^https?://}, '')
        when 'nossl', 'http'
          str = str.gsub(%r{^https://}, 'http://')
        when 'ssl', 'https'
          str = str.gsub(%r{^http://}, 'https://')
        when 'base32'
          str = Base32.encode(str).to_s
        when 'base64'
          str = Base64.encode64(str).delete("\n")
        when 'md4'
          str = OpenSSL::Digest::MD4.hexdigest(str)
        when 'md5'
          md5 =
          md5.update str
          str = md5.hexdigest
        when 'sha1'
          str = Digest::SHA1.hexdigest(str)
        when 'reverse'
          str = str.reverse
        when 'upcase'
          str = str.upcase
        when 'downcase'
          str = str.downcase
        when 'rot13'
          str ='A-Za-z', 'N-ZA-Mn-za-m')
        when 'urlencode'
          str = CGI.escape(str).gsub(/\+/, '%20')
        when 'urldecode'
          str = CGI.unescape(str)
        when 'append-hash'
          str = "#{str}##{rand(36**6).to_s(36)}"
        when 'append-method-get'
          separator = str.include?('?') ? '&' : '?'
          str = "#{str}#{separator}method=get&_method=get"

Client Request Modification

Request modification options can be used to format the client HTTP request appropriately for the SSRF vector and the destination web server accessed via the SSRF.

       --forward-method   Forward client request method.
       --forward-headers  Forward all client request headers.
       --forward-body     Forward client request body.
       --forward-cookies  Forward client request cookies.
       --cookies-to-uri   Add client request cookies to URI query string.
       --body-to-uri      Add client request body to URI query string.
       --auth-to-uri      Use client request basic authentication
                          credentials in request URI.
       --ip-encoding=MODE Encode client request host IP address.
                          (Modes: int, ipv6, oct, hex, dotted_hex)
       --cache-buster     Append a random value to the client request
                          query string.

Several request modification options allow converting portions of the client request such as cookies and the request body to query string parameters:

  • --body-to-uri
  • --auth-to-uri
  • --cookies-to-uri

This is useful in instances where the destination server accepts values supplied in GET or POST parameters interchangeably, or the destination application server supports cookies in the URL - most notably JSESSIONID and PHPSESSID.

Similarly, basic authentication credentials can be forwarded to the destination server by leveraging the --auth-to-uri option which moves the decoded credentials supplied in the Authorization header of client requests to the authentication portion of the destination URL, for example: http://user:[email protected]

In instances where the SSRF vector allows forwarding client request headers - typical of web based proxies intended for web browsers, and curl.php style SSRF-by-design - various portions of the client request, such as HTTP headers, cookies and the request body, can be forwarded using the appropriate option:

  • --forward-method
  • --forward-headers
  • --forward-cookie
  • --forward-body

HTTP Response Modification

Response modification options can be used to infer information about the response from the destination server and format the response such that the vulnerable intermediary server is mostly transparent to the client initiating the HTTP request.

       --match=REGEX      Regex to match response body content.
                          (Default: \A(.*)\z)
       --strip=HEADERS    Headers to remove from the response.
                          (separated by ',') (Default: none)
       --decode-html      Decode HTML entities in response body.
       --unescape         Unescape special characters in response body.
       --guess-status     Replaces response status code and message
                          headers (determined by common strings in the
                          response body, such as 404 Not Found.)
       --guess-mime       Replaces response content-type header with the
                          appropriate mime type (determined by the file
                          extension of the requested resource.)
       --sniff-mime       Replaces response content-type header with the
                          appropriate mime type (determined by magic bytes
                          in the response body.)
       --timeout-ok       Replaces timeout HTTP status code 504 with 200.
       --detect-headers   Replaces response headers if response headers
                          are identified in the response body.
       --fail-no-content  Return HTTP status 502 if the response body
                          is empty.
       --cors             Adds a 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *' header.

Of most importance is the --match option, which expects a regular expression formatted as a string, to extract the relevant HTTP response to the client request out of the response from the vulnerable server. Specifying an accurate regex is especially important should SSRF Proxy be used by web browsers, as unwanted junk in the response is likely to corrupt binary data such as images and other application assets such as JavaScript and CSS files.

The --guess-status option attempts to infer the appropriate HTTP status code and reason message by scanning the HTTP response for known strings and updating the response code and message appropriately.

The --detect-headers option can be useful should the target SSRF server be particularly chatty. In instances where the SSRF server discloses both the response headers and the response body, this option can be used to identify the HTTP headers in the response and merge these headers with the response headers sent to the client.

Several response modification options are also provided for convenience purposes, such as adding wildcarded CORS headers, performing content-sniffing to automatically apply the appropriate Content-Type header, or guessing the Content-Type from the file extension in the request URL.

  • --cors
  • --guess-mime
  • --sniff-mime

The --fail-no-content option is generally reserved for port scanning through the proxy.

This option returns a 502 HTTP status code if the response body is empty. When used in combination with an accurate --match, this option allows accurate port scanning through some SSRF servers.