This full-stack web application demonstrates CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) operations for managing objects with properties like mass, radius, and name. Users can create objects by clicking on a canvas, edit their attributes via a side panel, and save or delete changes.
- Creating: Click on the canvas to add new objects to the database.
- Editing: Use the side panel to modify an object's attributes (e.g., mass, radius, name) and save changes to persist updates.
- Deleting: Remove objects entirely via the side panel with a simple action.
you can use the already hosted version or you can:
- clone this repo:
git clone && cd next-gravity-demo
- switch to local branch:
git switch local
- install dependencies and run:
npm install && npm run dev
- the default address is
- TypeScript
- Next.js
- Prisma
- SQLite