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beGateway framework for iOS

License Pod

beGateway components for iOS allows you to accept in-app payments


To easy find out how it works:

  1. Checkout this repository
  2. Open terminal in Example folder
  3. Open begateway.xcworkspace in xCode 10.3 and higher
  4. Run project and make some action by predefined buttons
  5. Examine the source code



CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects. For usage and installation instructions, visit their website. To integrate beGateway into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile:

pod 'begateway'


  • iOS 11.0+
  • Xcode 10.3+
  • Swift 5.0+


Import sdk

import begateway


Initilize payment module:

let paymentModule = BeGateway.instance.setup(with: BeGatewayOptions(clientPubKey: "PUBLIC_STORE_KEY"))

You can change public key:

BeGateway.instance.options?.clientPubKey = "PUBLIC_STORE_KEY"

If you want to get current instance of object:


Get token

Create BeGatewayRequest object: You can setup your notification_url to become info about payment status:

let request BeGatewayRequest(
// amount
amount: 100.0,
// currency
currency: "USD",
// description
requestDescription: "Test request",
// tracling id
trackingID: "1000000-1"

Execute response:

BeGateway.instance.getToken(request: request, completionHandler: {token in
// token for other operation
}, failureHandler:{error in
// out error


Start payment with CARD

Create BeGatewayRequestCard object:

let card =  BeGatewayRequestCard(
number: "2201382000000013",
verificationValue: "123",
expMonth: "02",
expYear: "23",
holder: "WRR",
cardToken: nil,

Pay by card without token
rootController: self,
request: BeGatewayRequest(
amount: 100.0,
currency: "USD",
requestDescription: "Test request",
trackingID: "1000000-1",
card: card
completionHandler: {
card in
// BeGatewayCard
}, failureHandler: {error in

Pay by card token

self.card = BeGatewayRequestCard(
number: nil,
verificationValue: nil,
expMonth: nil,
expYear: nil,
holder: nil,
cardToken: "YourCardToken"

Payment by card token in background

        if self.card?.cardToken != nil { // "YourCardToken"
            BeGateway.instance.payByCardTokenInBackground( rootController: self, request: BeGatewayRequest(
                amount: Double(self.valueTextField.text ?? "0.0") ?? 0.0,
                currency: self.currencyTextField.text ?? "USD",
                requestDescription: "Test request",
                trackingID: "1000000-1",
                card: self.card
            ), completionHandler: {
               //Success handler
            }, failureHandler: {error in
                //Failure handler

If gateway return success you can use object BeGatewayCard

public struct BeGatewayCard {
public let createdAt: Date
public let first1, last4: String
public let brand: String?

Apple pay

First you need to setup your project with your merhchant ID. After it you should pass merchant id to BegatewayOptions. Default Apple Pay with input:

        options.merchantID = ""
        options.merchantName = "Your Company, OOO" // A name of the company that will appear on the customer's billing statement

        let _ = BeGateway.instance.setup(with: options)
        let request = BeGatewayRequest(amount: Double(self.valueTextField.text ?? "0.0") ?? 0.0,
                                       currency: self.currencyTextField.text?.uppercased() ?? "USD",
                                       requestDescription: "Apple Pay test transaction",
                                       trackingID: "1000000-1",
                                       card: nil)
        BeGateway.instance.payWithApplePay(requestBE: request, rootController: self) {
            print("payment success without token")
        } failureHandler: { error in
            self.showFailureAlert(error: error)
            print("---> error \(error)")

Apple Pay with TOKEN:

            BeGateway.instance.payWithAppleByToken(token: token, rootController: self) {
                print("payment success with token")
            } failureHandler: { error in
                self.showFailureAlert(error: error)
                print("---> error \(error)")

You can pay with TOKEN swift BeGateway.instance.payByToken( token: PAYMENTTOKEN,
card : CARD , rootController: self, completionHandler: { card in print(card) }, failureHandler: { error in print(error) })

Where PAYMENTTOKEN is a string value.
CARD - object of BeGatewayRequestCard instance.

Could be initiated with:
self.number = number - Card number
self.verificationValue = verificationValue - CVC Code
self.expYear = expYear - Year Expiration
self.expMonth = expMonth - Month Expiration
self.holder = holder - Card Holder Name
self.cardToken = cardToken - For Card Token

If no previously saved card - empty object BeGatewayRequestCard() could be used.

### Other functions

#### Clear all saved `CARDS`



You can customize card form view with BeGatewayOptions in instance or create new object for BeGatewayOptions and set

let options = BeGatewayOptions();
BeGateway.instance.options = options

Update BeGatewayOptions

// title 
BeGateway.instance.options?.title: String?
// font title
BeGateway.instance.options?.fontTitle: UIFont?
// color title
BeGateway.instance.options?.colorTitle: UIColor?

// title card number field
BeGateway.instance.options?.titleCardNumber: String = LocalizeString.localizeString(value:"Card number")
// hint card number field
BeGateway.instance.options?.hintCardNumber: String = LocalizeString.localizeString(value:"Card number")
// title card number field
BeGateway.instance.options?.cardNumber: String = LocalizeString.localizeString(value:"Card number")

// font for title card number
BeGateway.instance.options?.fontTitleCardNumber: UIFont?
// color for title card number
BeGateway.instance.options?.colorTitleCardNumber: UIColor?
// font for hint card number
BeGateway.instance.options?.fontHintCardNumber: UIFont?
// color for title card number
BeGateway.instance.options?.colorHintCardNumber: UIColor?
// font for text fields background color
BeGateway.instance.options?.textFieldBackgroundColor: UIColor?

// label expire date
BeGateway.instance.options?.titleExpiryDate: String = LocalizeString.localizeString(value:"Expiration date")
// hint expire date
BeGateway.instance.options?.hintExpiryDate: String = LocalizeString.localizeString(value:"Expiration date")
// title expire date
BeGateway.instance.options?.expiryDate: String = LocalizeString.localizeString(value:"Expiration date")

// font for title expire date
BeGateway.instance.options?.fontTitleExpiryDate: UIFont?
// color for title expire date
BeGateway.instance.options?.colorTitleExpiryDate: UIColor?
// hint for hint expire date
BeGateway.instance.options?.fontHintExpiryDate: UIFont?
// color for hint of expire date
BeGateway.instance.options?.colorHintExpiryDate: UIColor?

// label CVC
BeGateway.instance.options?.titleCVC: String = LocalizeString.localizeString(value:"CVC")
// hint CVC
BeGateway.instance.options?.hintCVC: String = LocalizeString.localizeString(value:"CVC")
// title CVC
BeGateway.instance.options?.cvc: String = LocalizeString.localizeString(value:"CVC")
// is secure mode for CVC field
BeGateway.instance.options?.isSecureCVC: Bool = false

// font fot title CVC
BeGateway.instance.options?.fontTitleCVC: UIFont?
// color for title CVC
BeGateway.instance.options?.colorTitleCVC: UIColor?
// font fot hint CVC
BeGateway.instance.options?.fontHintCVC: UIFont?
// color for hint CVC
BeGateway.instance.options?.colorHintCVC: UIColor?

// label for Card Holder Name
BeGateway.instance.options?.titleCardHolderName: String = LocalizeString.localizeString(value:"Name on card")
// hint for Card Holder Name
BeGateway.instance.options?.hintCardHolderName: String = LocalizeString.localizeString(value:"Name on card")
// title for Card Holder Name
BeGateway.instance.options?.cardHolderName: String = LocalizeString.localizeString(value:"Name on card")

// font title for Card Holder Name
BeGateway.instance.options?.fontTitleCardHolderName: UIFont?
// color title for for Card Holder Name
BeGateway.instance.options?.colorTitleCardHolderName: UIColor?
// font hint for Card Holder Name
BeGateway.instance.options?.fontHintCardHolderName: UIFont?
// color hint for Card Holder Name
BeGateway.instance.options?.colorHintCardHolderName: UIColor?

// button title
BeGateway.instance.options?.titleButton: String = LocalizeString.localizeString(value: "Pay")
// button text color
BeGateway.instance.options?.colorButton: UIColor?
// button font
BeGateway.instance.options?.fontButton: UIFont?
// button background color
BeGateway.instance.options?.backgroundColorButton: UIColor?

// toggle title
BeGateway.instance.options?.titleToggle: String = LocalizeString.localizeString(value:"Save card")
// error title
BeGateway.instance.options?.errorTitle: String = LocalizeString.localizeString(value:"Sorry, incorrect data")

// common text font
BeGateway.instance.options?.textFont: UIFont?
// common hint font
BeGateway.instance.options?.hintFont: UIFont?
// common text color
BeGateway.instance.options?.textColor: UIColor?
// common hint color
BeGateway.instance.options?.hintColor: UIColor?
// common background color
BeGateway.instance.options?.backgroundColor: UIColor = UIColor.clear

// turn on/off card number field
BeGateway.instance.options?.isToogleCardNumber: Bool = false
// turn on/off card exprire date field
BeGateway.instance.options?.isToogleExpiryDate: Bool = false
// turn on/off card CVC field
BeGateway.instance.options?.isToogleCVC: Bool = false
// turn on/off card holder name field
BeGateway.instance.options?.isToogleCardHolderName: Bool = false
// turn on/off card saved field
BeGateway.instance.options?.isToogleSaveCard: Bool = false
//You can track the click of the "Cancel" button on the payment screen


    public override func viewWillAppear(_ animated: Bool) {
    private func cancelButtonPressHandler() {
        let options = BeGateway.instance.options ?? BeGatewayOptions(clientPubKey: "")
        options.cancelButtonHandler = {
            // Your logic is here
             print("The \"Cancel\" button was pressed")

Customize main options

You can change mode from test to production (by default, true)

BeGateway.instance.options?.test = false

You can change transaction type (by default, "payment")

BeGateway.instance.options?.transaction_type = "authorization"

You can get a payment status notification by setting notificationURL property

BeGateway.instance.options?.notificationURL = ""

You can change language

BeGateway.instance.options?.language = "en"

You can change delay between responses

BeGateway.instance.options?.delayCheckingSec = 5

You can change max attempths when wainting response payment gateway

BeGateway.instance.options?.maxCheckingAttempts = 30

If you want use Encrypted mode for card

BeGateway.instance.options?.isEncryptedCreditCard = false

Use Camera button

If you want to implement image capture you need to override method

onDetachFromCamera: ((_ onSelected: ((BeGatewayRequestCard?) -> Void)?) -> Void)?


beGateway SDK is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.