0.7.0 2022-01-25
- blockquote
- further codebase simplication
- removal of page struct
- bugfixes to backspace operation
0.6.1 2022-01-19
- simplification and improvements to internal API
- fix for a selection bug
0.6.0 2022-01-16
- introduce esbuild via npm
- introduce eslint
- introduce prettier
- make topbar an npm dependency
0.5.2 2022-01-08
- update elixir to 1.13.1 + all dependencies
- clear up credo issues
- add CI action workflow
- documentation improvements
0.5.0 2022-01-08
- block selection feature
- copy paste feature
- cleanup
- known bug: typing too quickly changes cursor position
0.4.0 2021-11-21
- block + cell based editor, supporting following blocks
- p
- h1,h2,h3
- ul
- with block downgrades, splitting, etc.
0.2.0 2021-11-07
- credo + pre-commit hook for credo
- dialyzer + specs + fixes + pre-commit hook for dialyzer
0.2.0 2021-11-06
- basic markdown support
- Basic article crud and routes
- Slug generation and uniqueness