The RESTAccess is a class that allows access to AppDynamics' REST api. The intention is to provide a easy method to to access the AppDynamics Controller REST service. The core class is org.appdynamics.appdrestapi.RESTAccess.
String controller=""; String port="443"; boolean useSSL=true; String user="appDUser"; String passwd="secret"; String account="acme";
/* This will create the instance of the RESTAccess which is able to execute REST calls. If the controller is single tenant the accout is 'customer1'. */ RESTAccess access=new RESTAccess(controller,port,useSSL,user,passwd,account);
// To get the list of applications all you need to run the following.
int appId = access.getApplications().getApplications().get(0).getId(); String app=new String(appId);
Calendar calendarNow=java.util.Calendar.getInstance(); Calendar calendarStart=java.util.Calendar.getInstance(); calendarStart.add(java.util.Calendar.MINUTE, -10);
/* Choose the ID of one of the application listed and you can request the event objects by calling access.getEvents, additionally the event types and severity needs to be provided. */
System.out.println(access.getEvents(app,"APPLICATION_ERROR,DIAGNOSTIC_SESSION", "INFO,WARN,ERROR",calendarStart.getTimeInMillis(), calendarNow.getTimeInMillis()));