Implementation of Climdex indices in Python/xarray/dask
- Install from pypi:
pip install pyclimdex
or from GitHub:
pip install git+
- Import either temperature or precipitation indices
import climdex.precipitation as pdex
- Initialize indices and compute them on your xarray DataArray or Dataset
indices = pdex.indices(time_dim='time')
# compute total monthly precipitation;
# your data should be daily or sub-daily time scale
ptot = indices.prcptot(data, period='1M')
That's it! You can find more info on the Climdex indices here.
currently supports the following indices for temperature and precipitation respectively:
- Annual frost days
- Annual tropical nights
- Annual icing days
- Annual summer days
- Monthly max daily max temp (TXx)
- Monthly min daily max temp (TXn)
- Monthly max daily min temp (TNx)
- Monthly min daily min temp (TNx)
- Daily temperature range (DTR)
- Monthly 1-day precip (Rx1day)
- Monthly 5-day precip (Rx5day)
- Annual 10mm precip days
- Annual 20mm precip days
- Annual n mm precip days
- Total precipitation (variable time period)
- Simple intensity index (SDII)
- Consecutive dry days (CDD)
- Consecutive wet days (CWD)
Indices which rely on historical data are not currently supported. Contributions are welcome!