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cAdvisor, Prometheus, Alertmanager, Node-Exporter, Grafana

How to use this

Note: Dependent service Traefik is required, if you don't use traefik, you can find a deploy without traefik

Get the sources:

$ git clone
$ cd monitoring-cpang

Dependency: Traefik

Get Traefik, by default it uses SSL

See all configuration options here:

  • requires your domain name as env var DOMAIN="" defaults to localhost
$ wget -O docker-compose.traefik.yml


Services that do not come with authentication endpoints, is protected by basic auth and by default is (admin/admin).

To override:

$ htpasswd -c htpasswd <username>

Deploy Traefik and CPANG

This will deploy Traefik and a Fresh CPANG stack:

$ export DOMAIN="localhost" # services will use traefik.localhost in this case
$ docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.traefik.yml proxy
$ docker stack deploy -c docker-compose.yml mon

Alternative Versions:

a Stack with HTTP Endpoints:

# traefik needs to be running
$ docker stack deploy -c alt_versions/docker-compose_http.yml http_mon

a Stack without Traefik:

$ docker stack deploy -c alt_versions/docker-compose_no_traefik.yml notraefik_mon

If you want a stack with prepopulated dashboards::

# traefik needs to be running
$ docker stack deploy -c alt_versions/docker-compose_with_dashboards.yml dash_mon

CPANG Stack with MySQL, MySQL Exporter and Dashboards:

# traefik needs to be running
$ docker stack deploy -c alt_versions/docker-compose_http_with_dbs.yml dbs_mon


  • Grafana: grafana.${DOMAIN}
  • Alertmanager: alertmanager.${DOMAIN}
  • Prometheus: prometheus.${DOMAIN}
  • Traefik: traefik.${DOMAIN}


Look at the wiki for tutorials on how to add datasources and dashboards

Extra Dashboard Links:




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