This repo contains the Ansible assets and can be used to install a OpenShift cluster. The Ansible assets are developed for vSphere IPI installation mode.
There are two Ansible roles
- prepare - preparation of bastion host, download OpenShift binaries etc.
- install - preparation and kick off
An example of the playbook.
- name: Prepare and install OpenShift cluster
hosts: all
gather_facts: true
become: true
- name: prepare
tags: prepare
- name: install
tags: install
Create a
file with credentialsvsphere_username: changeme vsphere_password: changeme pull_secret: changeme
Prepare the inventory. These Ansible roles run on a Bastion host hence you can run it from your workstation or locally cloning the repo in the bastion host itself.
all: hosts: children: dev: hosts: bastionA: ansible_host: bastionb: ansible_host: qas: hosts:
Provide cluster specific parameters in group_vars or host_vars if you have multiple clusters & bastion in one environment.
# Common params which are applicable to environment httpProxy: httpsProxy: noProxy: .local vsphere: vcenter: vcenter.example datacenter: DC cluster: Cluster datastore: WorkloadDatastore network: segment-sandbox-9wj4v folder: /Datacenter/vm/Workloads/folder" username: "{{ vsphere_username | default('changeme') }}" password: "{{ vsphere_password | default('changeme') }}" # Cluster list and specific params openshift_clusters: - name: bla baseDomain: networking: clusterNetworkcidr: machineNetworkcidr: serviceNetworkcidr: platform: apiVIP: ingressVIP: controlplane: replicas: 3 # cpus: # ram: # disksizeGB: compute: replicas: 2 # cpus: # ram: # disksizeGB: additionalTrustBundlePolicy: Proxyonly additionalTrustBundle: | -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE----- ... -----END CERTIFICATE-----