Orbital Period Distribution of Near-Earth Objects Discovered By NEOWISE
This bar chart was created using data from NASA. The dataset contains information regarding near-Earth Objects, or NEOs, which are asteroids or comets that pass close to Earth during their orbits around the Sun. The NEOs in this dataset were discovered by NEOWISE, a space-based telescope that launched in 2009. This bar chart tallies the distribution of the NEOs' orbital periods, which is how long it takes each object to orbit the sun. As shown in the chart, most of the NEOs have orbital periods of under five years, likely because NEOs with longer orbital periods are on average further away from the Earth and are therefore more dificult to find.
Violent vs Drug Felonies in New York (1970-2021)
This line chart was created with data from the U.S Government. The data are on crimes by commited by adults (18 and older) in the state of New York since 1970. The dataset provided statistics on different types of crimes and listed them by county. I summed up violent and drug related felonies by counties to get the total amounts for the entire state, then plotted it over time. The two types of felonies appear to be correlated, with both rising sharply during the late 1980s, before beginning to fall steadily at the turn of the century.