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creep tasks API

Ben Bartlett edited this page Apr 30, 2018 · 3 revisions

creep-task prototypes

Defined properties and methods

Property/Method Type Description
Creep.task Task (get/set) the task assigned to a creep
Creep.isIdle boolean Returns true if the creep does not have a valid task (calls task.isValid)
Creep.hasValidTask boolean Returns true if the creep has a valid task (calls task.isValid) void Calls if the creep has a task. (Does not check for task validity!)
RoomObject.targetedBy Creep[] Returns a list of all creeps with tasks (or task parents) targeting an object

Additional helper properties and methods have been added to RoomObject.prototype and RoomPosition.prototype; see prototypes.ts for details.

Task properties

Property Type Description
name string Describes the action the task should do; acts as a switch for re-instantiation
creep Creep The creep the task is assigned to
target RoomObject1 The target to perform an action on; exported as actionnameTargetType for TypeScript users
targetPos RoomPosition The position of the target, accessible even if the target is not visible
settings Object Settings common to a given type of task (e.g. range of an action); shouldn't be modified on a per-instance basis
options Object Options configurable for a specific instance of a task (e.g. don't invalidate task if target visibility is lost)
data Object Data pertaining to a task instance (e.g {resourceType: 'ghodium'})
proto protoTask "Skeleton" task that can be serialized into memory
eta number Approximate ticks until creep arrives at target location (assuming movespeed 1); requires use of Traveler
parent Task|null Task to revert to once the current task is finished
manifest Task[] Recursively enumerates a list of the current task and all subsequent parents
targetManifest RoomObject[] Recursively enumerates a list of the current task's target and all parents' targets
targetPosManifest RoomPosition[] Recursively enumerates a list of the current tasks's targetPos and all parents' targetPos

Task methods

Method Return type Description
fork(newTask: Task) Task Suspends execution of the current task and sets newTask.parent = currentTask. Returns newTask.
isValidTask() boolean Abstract method to determine if a task itself is still valid
isValidTarget() boolean Abstract method to determine if a task's target is still valid
isValid() boolean Determines if a task is valid. If not, creep.task is reverted to task.parent.
move(range?: number) number Moves the task's creep toward task.targetPos. range defaults to this.settings.targetRange.
run() number|void Executes the task, moving the creep toward the target or performing the if in range. Parks creep if needed.
parkCreep(creep, pos?, maintainDistance?) number Parks a creep near a position (default: creep.pos) if settings.workOffRoad = true.
work() number Abstract method that specifies the action to be performed once a creep is in range.
finish() void Finalize the task and switch the assigned creep's task to task.parent.

Task settings, options, and data

Task.settings describes settings for a given type of task and shouldn't be modified on an instance basis, since it isn't serialized into Task.proto:

Setting Type Description
targetRange number=1 Range required for the task action to be performed.
workOffRoad boolean=false If true, parks the creep off-road while performing an action. Useful for long actions like building or repairing.

Task.options describes settings which can vary between different instances of a task and is serialized into Task.proto:

Option Type Description
blind boolean=false If true, does not invalidate task if vision to is lost and creep will continue to approach task.targetPos describes internal data for a task, such as optional arguments, which needs to be saved between ticks. Not all task instances will have all of these properties.

Parameter Type Description
resourceType? string="energy" Specifies the resourceType argument for applicable task actions
amount? number Specifies the amount argument for applicable task actions
signature? string Specifies the controller signature for TaskSignController
quiet? boolean=true (Deprecated) Silences console output if true.

Task.proto properties

Property Type Description
name string Describes the action the task should do; acts as a switch for re-instantiation
_creep {name: string} Contains information about the creep assigned to the task
_target {ref: string, _pos: {x,y,roomName}1 Contains information about the task target
_parent protoTask|null ProtoTask of Task to revert to once task is finished
options Object Options configurable for a specific instance of a task (e.g. don't invalidate task if target visibility is lost)
data Object Data pertaining to a task instance (e.g {resourceType: 'ghodium'})

1Exceptions: TaskDrop, TaskGoTo, TaskGoToRoom, which all have a defined targetPos, but have target = null.