WavCrypt is a small C++ / JUCE tool, which can generate a unique “Noise Key” and obfuscate .wav Files by adding/substracting the noise key from the signal.
Set number of key channels in Encryptor.h (#define KeyChannels n)
- Currently this has to match the number of channels the wav files you want to encrypt have
- If a .wav file is being encrypted with a key file and the channels don’t match an assertion triggers on line 186 or 317 in Encryptor.h
Build project, run app
Click “Generate Key” button - select save location for key .wav file
Click “Encrypt .wav Files” button
- a. First file chooser - select directory containing samples to encrypt
- b. Second file chooser - select key .wav file for encryption
Click “Decrypt .wav Files” button
- a. First file chooser - select directory containing encrypted samples
- b. Second file chooser - select key .wav file for decryption (ideally the same one used for encryption :) )
The resulting Encrypted/Decrypted directories will be placed next to their originals