This is a Quest App that sets the Screen-Brightness to 0 and keeps it there. It's running as a background-service and sets it back to 0 every 60 seconds (if e.g. the System sets it to 100).
To get it running:
install the apk (e.g. via SideQuest)
go to "Unknown Sources"
Start "com.benjy3gg.endlessbrightness"
Allow the Permissions in the Popup for Changing System Settings (needed for setting the Display Brightness)
In the App choose either "Brightness 0" or select the brightness with the slider.
Press the "Save" Button and your new brightness setting will be saved.
Done, the app will set the brightness to 0 every 60 seconds
If you want to stop the service, just start the app again and choose Set Brightness Auto which will stop the service