Table of Contents
ζ basic is a small interpreted programming language based on python. Its syntax is mainly inspired by the BASIC language.
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file and past the line belowREACT_APP_INTERPRETER_API=
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
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- ζ basic has 4 data types .
- Bool
- Number (int, float)
- String
- List
Syntax : LET var_name = datatype | expression ;
addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulo, floor division (//), and power(**) operators are available . operations on List are inspired by the NumPy library .
Syntax :
(+) : (Number + Number) or (List + List) or (String + String) or (List + Number)
(-) : (Number - Number) or (List - List) or (List + Number)
(*) : (Number * Number) or (List * List) or (String * Number) or(List + Number)
(/) : (Number / Number) or (List / List) or (List / Number)
(%) : (Number % Number)
(//) : (Number // Number) or (List // List) or (List // Number)
(**) : (Number * Number)
equal, not equal, less than, greater than, less than or equal, and greater than or equal operators are available .
Syntax :
(==) : (dataype == datatype)
(!=) : (datatype != datatype)
(<) : (Number < Number) or (String < String)
(>) : (Number > Number) or (String > String)
(<=) : (Number <= Number) or (String <= String)
(>=) : (Number >= Number) or (String >= String)
not, and, or operetors are available .value 0 ,empty String ,empty List corresponds to "FALSE" any other value corresponds to "TRUE" .
Syntax :
(!) : (! datatype)
(&&) : (datatype && datatype)
(||) : (datatype || datatype)
if-statement returns a value thus it can be assigned to a variable .
Syntex : IF condition THEN expression ELSE expression
for-loop returns a List thus it can be assigned to a variable .
Syntax :
FOR var_counter = start_value TO end_value DO expression ;
FOR var_counter = start_value TO end_value STEP step_value DO expression ;
while-loop returns a List thus it can be assigned to a variable .
Syntax : WHILE condition DO expression ;
PRINT ,SUM, and STRINGIFY functions are available . all built-in functions return a value thus they can be assigned to a variable .
PRINT expression ;
SUM List ;
STRINGIFY datatype ;
PRINT "Hello world!";
LET first_side = 5;
LET second_side = 4;
LET third_side = 3;
LET s = (first_side+second_side+third_side)/2;
LET area = (s*(s-first_side)*(s-second_side)*(s-third_side)) ** 0.5 ;
PRINT "the area of the triangle is: "+ STRINGIFY area
LET n = 9;
LET fact = 1;
FOR i = 1 TO n + 1 DO LET fact = fact * i;
PRINT STRINGIFY n +" factorial is : "+ STRINGIFY fact;
LET number = 97;
LET counter = 1;
LET upper_value = number //2 +1;
LET is_prime = TRUE;
LET i = 2;
FOR i = 2 TO upper_value DO IF number % i == 0 THEN LET is_prime = FALSE;
LET result = STRINGIFY number;
LET result = result + IF is_prime THEN " is prime" ELSE " is not prime";
PRINT result;
LET n = 10;
LET triangle = FOR i =0 TO n DO PRINT "#" * i +" ";
- implementation of functions
- implementation of multiline statements
- multi-files support