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Upgrade Announcement

Ben Quarmby edited this page Sep 13, 2015 · 11 revisions

Version 2.0 is Here!

Note: JSLint.NET has jumped directly to 2.0.1. This is because Visual Studio extensions don't understand semantic versioning, in particular pre-release notation. To make sure users of the beta get prompted for an upgrade to the stable version, we have incremented the patch version.

From 2.0.1 forward, JSLint.NET will wrap the new, rebuilt-from-the-ground-up version of JSLint.

There are many great changes including support for ES6 features like let. There are also several breaking changes.

Dealing with New Warnings

If you are seeing this page, then Visual Studio or NuGet may have prompted for an automatic upgrade. You may also immediately notice a series of new warnings from JSLint.

To understand the new warnings:

If you or your codebase are not ready for the new version of JSLint, you can downgrade back to the last 1.x release of JSLint.NET. It will be possible stay on the 1.x version of JSLint.NET for as long as necessary, but no bug fixes or new features will be added there.


If you have feedback specific to the new warnings JSLint produces please do not post them here! Please take them to the Google+ community where Douglas Crockford can respond directly.

As always, any bugs or issues specific to JSLint.NET (i.e. MSBuild or Visual Studio integration) should be posted here.