Welcome to my personal blog, you can view here: https://benscabbia.co.uk.
If you find a mistake or I've said something that is wrong, please feel free to submit a pull request or raise an issue :).
There are two branches:
for development. All pull requests should be to submitted againstmaster
for the hosted site
You can quickly setup your development environment via Docker. Simply navigate to the root project directory and run:
docker-compose up
This will start the webserver and enable you to browse the site at: You can then in another terminal run a second docker command to watch the directory, meaning it will detect changes and automatically recompile:
docker-compose exec site jekyll build --watch
The blog is a fork of Lanyon, a Jekyll theme.
Lanyon - an unassuming Jekyll theme that places content first by tucking away navigation in a hidden drawer. It's based on Poole, the Jekyll butler.
Open sourced under the MIT license.