10.0.1: Upgrade to Fela 12
Major Fela update but shouldn't require any changes to your app code. See https://github.com/robinweser/fela/releases/tag/v12.0.1 and https://weser.io/blog/introducing-fela-12
Upgrade instructions (more info)
Merge upstream changes
First, configure this repo as a remote for your repo (you only need to do this once)
git remote add template https://github.com/bensmithett/tropical.git
Then fetch & merge the latest changes, resolving any conflicts manually:
git fetch template
git merge template/master
Manually update your code
See https://github.com/bensmithett/tropical/pull/43/files, you'll need to:
yarn upgrade-interactive
and upgrade the outdated dependencies but be careful to exclude@mdx-js/mdx
React 18 has just been released but some Storybook dependencies need to catch up before we upgrade that.
The upgrade to MDX 2 appears to be blocked at the moment while Storybook is still dependent on MDX 1, see storybookjs/builder-vite#234 and brillout/vite-plugin-mdx#47