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Advanced Programming Project


This project is part of an advanced programming course aimed at developing a deep understanding of essential software design patterns and architectures. The primary focus is on implementing a generic HTTP server capable of handling various types of HTTP requests, including GET and POST.

The core objective is to build a versatile system that can support a publisher/subscriber architecture for computational graph processing. In this setup, nodes in the graph represent different computational tasks that operate concurrently. Each node’s output serves as the input for other nodes, enabling the execution of complex calculations.



  • Java Development Kit (JDK) 8 or later
  • A modern web browser with JavaScript enabled


  1. Clone the Repository:

    git clone
    cd Advanced-Programming-Final-Project/project_biu
  2. Compile the Project:

    javac -d . -sourcepath .
  3. Run the Main script:

    java Main
  4. Access the Application Open a web browser and navigate to localhost:8080/app/ to access the application interface.

Project Structure

The project comprises the following main components:

  • Server: Manages incoming HTTP requests and dispatches them to appropriate handlers.
  • Graph: Extends ArrayList<Node> and includes methods for detecting cycles and constructing the graph from topics and agents.
  • Node: Represents nodes within the graph, which can be either topics or agents.
  • HtmlGraphWriter: Generates HTML representations of the computational graph.
  • Servlets: Handle various requests such as publishing messages to topics, uploading configurations, and serving HTML files.


  • Dynamic Graph Visualization: Displays a computational graph where topics are represented as rectangles and agents as circles, with arrows indicating graph direction.
  • Interactive Forms: Allows users to input and submit data through web forms.
  • Real-Time Table Updates: Displays current topic values in a dynamically updated table.

Usage Example

Basic Server Setup To run the HTTP server, you first need to instantiate the MyHTTPServer with a specified port number and the number of threads. After that, you can register different servlets to handle various types of HTTP requests. Here's a simple setup:

// Create HTTP server on port 8080 with 5 threads
HTTPServer myServer = new MyHTTPServer(8080, 5);

// Define servlets for various endpoints
myServer.addServlet("GET", "/publish", new TopicDisplayer());
myServer.addServlet("GET", "/app/", new HtmlLoader("html_files"));
myServer.addServlet("POST", "/upload", new ConfLoader());

// Start the server


Advanced Programming Final Project






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