Network Name | Enum | ChainID hex | ChainID decimal |
Ethereum | Ethereum | 0x1 | 1 |
Ropsten | Ropsten | 0x3 | 3 |
Binance Smart Chain | BSC | 0x36 | 56 |
Binance Smart Chain | BSCTest | 0x61 | 97 |
Meter | Meter | 0x52 | 82 |
Meter Testnet | MeterTest | 0x65 | 101 |
Theta Testnet | ThetaTest | 0x16d | 365 |
Moonriver | Moonriver | 0x505 | 1285 |
Moonbeam Testnet | Moonbase | 0x507 | 1287 |
You will also have to add ERC20 token addresses, name and decimals in various networks for your token. We could deploy a standard ERC20 wrapper token for you or you could deploy your own ERC20 contract. If you deploy your own token in different network, we recommend you to use the same private key and nonce as the contract in the original network. This ensures the contract address the same as the original network and make it easier for the users to identify.
This repository is created to simplify the process of adding new ERC20 tokens to Meter Passport.
Projects could either use Meter team created ERC20 wrapped tokens or deploy their own ERC20 token contracts on the destination networks. If projects deploy their own contracts, please make sure to use include the minter burner extension of the open zepplin implementation like the following, passport uses the mint
and burnFrom
functions in the destination chain.
Once the tokens on the destination networks are created, please use the following instructions to submit the pull request for including your tokens in Meter Passport.
Only the files under the data
directory have to be modified manually. Please submit a pull request to the files under the data
directory only. We will update the rest with the scripts.
Please take the following steps:
- Create token config folder
Create a folder under
directory, and name it with token symbol. Put token config fileconfig.json
and 256x256 token logologo.png
inside this folder. For example, to add aFOO
token, create the following file structure:
- data
|-- FOO
|-- config.json
|-- logo.png
- Calculate resourceID
Create a new entry with
The resourceID is used for identifying a token in Meter passport. The naming convention forresource ID
is based on the ERC20 contract address of the asset in its origin network (for example Ethereum), with 01 as surfix (represent version number) and 0 as prefix to make the total length of the resource ID to be 32 bytes. Please make sure all the letters in the address has to be lower case.
A sample resource ID for USDT
on Ethereum network (token address: 0xdAC17F958D2ee523a2206206994597C13D831ec7
0000000000000000000000 dac17f958d2ee523a2206206994597c13d831ec7 01
<-----padding 0------> <-----token address in lower case------> <-suffix->
- prepare
Put your ERC20 information in config.json
, for each network, create one entry in tokens
list and set values. The fields that could be configured in config.json
is defined with a ajv schema like this (as defined in schema.js):
// supported chains
const CHAINS = [
enum: 'Ethereum',
chainId: 1,
nativeToken: { name: 'Ether', symbol: 'ETH', decimals: 18 },
enum: 'Ropsten',
chainId: 3,
testnet: true,
nativeToken: { name: 'Ropsten Ether', symbol: 'ETH', decimals: 18 },
enum: 'BSC',
chainId: 56,
nativeToken: { name: 'Binance Token', symbol: 'BNB', decimals: 18 },
enum: 'BSCTest',
chainId: 97,
testnet: true,
nativeToken: { name: 'Test Binance Token', symbol: 'BNB', decimals: 18 },
enum: 'Meter',
chainId: 82,
nativeToken: { name: 'Meter Stable', symbol: 'MTR', decimals: 18 },
enum: 'MeterTest',
chainId: 101,
testnet: true,
nativeToken: { name: 'Test Meter Stable', symbol: 'MTR', decimals: 18 },
enum: 'Moonbase',
chainId: 1287,
testnet: true,
nativeToken: { name: 'DEV Token', symbol: 'DEV', decimals: 18 },
enum: 'ThetaTest',
chainId: 365,
testnet: true,
nativeToken: { name: 'Theta Fuel', symbol: 'TFUEL', decimals: 18 },
const tokenSchema = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
network: { enum: => c.enum) }, // enum for supported network
address: { type: 'string', pattern: '^0x[0-9a-zA-Z]{40}$' }, // string of 0x + 40 digit/letter
// chain-specific configs, optional
name: { type: 'string', pattern: '^[0-9a-zA-Z._ ]{1,100}$' }, // string of 1-100 digit/letter
symbol: { type: 'string', pattern: '^[0-9a-zA-Z.]{1,9}$' }, // string of 1-9 digit/upper_letter
decimals: { type: 'number', maximum: 20, minimum: 1 }, // number between 1-20
native: { type: 'boolean' }, // true - native | false - ERC20
tokenProxy: { type: 'string' }, // optional
required: ['network', 'address'],
const schema = {
type: 'object',
properties: {
resourceID: { type: 'string', pattern: '^0x[0-9a-z]{64}$' }, // string of 0x + 64 digit/lower_letter
testResourceID: { type: 'string', pattern: '^0x[0-9a-zA-Z]{64}$' }, // string of 0x + 64 digit/letter
name: { type: 'string', pattern: '^[0-9a-zA-Z._ ]{1,100}$' }, // string of 1-100 digit/letter
symbol: { type: 'string', pattern: '^[0-9a-zA-Z.]{1,9}$' }, // string of 1-9 digit/upper_letter
decimals: { type: 'number', maximum: 20, minimum: 1 }, // number between 1-20
enable: { type: 'boolean' }, // true - enable | false - disable
tokens: { type: 'array', items: tokenSchema, minItems: 1 },
required: ['resourceID', 'name', 'symbol', 'decimals', 'tokens'],
- Validate your config.json by
npm install
node scripts/validate.js [your-token-symbol]
# if validation failed, it will list out errors
Add the ERC20 handler contract address as the only minter and burner for the new ERC20 tokens outside the home networks. This allows Passport to mint a new token the destination network when a token is locked in the home network. Please do not mint new tokens outside the home network without going through the relayer, this may cause the number of circulating tokens unbalanced on both side of the bridge.
If your token has none standard ERC20 features like different decimals, rebasing features and etc, please inquire in our discord channel.
ETH Contract Addresses
Bridge: 0xa2A22B46B8df38cd7C55E6bf32Ea5a32637Cf2b1
Erc20 Handler: 0xde4fC7C3C5E7bE3F16506FcC790a8D93f8Ca0b40
Generic Handler: 0x517828d2549cEC09386f89a67E92825E26740240
Meter Contract Addresses
Bridge: 0x3f396Af107049232Bc2804C171ecad65DBCC0323
Erc20 Handler: 0x60f1ABAa3ED8A573c91C65A5b82AeC4BF35b77b8
Generic Handler: 0x89CA53Bf11d24D32A7aC3aDb7750868360c90590
BSC Contract Addresses
Bridge: 0xFd55eBc7bBde603A048648C6eAb8775c997C1001
Erc20 Handler: 0x5945241BBB68B4454bB67Bd2B069e74C09AC3D51
Generic Handler: 0x83Fc24eB56121FA2A05e0b5170E7310738425839
Moonriver Contract Addresses
Bridge: 0xF41e7FC4eC990298d36f667B93951c9dba65224e
Erc20 Handler: 0x48A6fd66512D45006FC0426576c264D03Dfda304
Generic Handler: 0x29E9fDF5933824ad21Bc6dbb8BF156EFA3735e32
Avalanche Contract Addresses
Bridge: 0xF41e7FC4eC990298d36f667B93951c9dba65224e
Erc20 Handler: 0x48A6fd66512D45006FC0426576c264D03Dfda304
Generic Handler: 0x123455360bE78C9289B38bcb4DbA427D9a6cD440
ETH Ropsten Contract Addresses
Bridge: 0x7Be5166449EE607a8Cd2BE6AF4120880b163668d
Erc20 Handler: 0xC56065ee94eD4d05360e130075Dd06DE55eE0916
Generic Handler: 0xBAb8402E278F45d51BB342525716611fE1090027
Meter Warringstakes Contract Address:
Bridge: 0x79F0aAc7F2234eae45cA4161470a65E89EC8C513
Erc20 Handler: 0x73BBF74df1c58903132CD4aa0e268C79f10aB042
Generic Handler: 0x56f03E0B73fa6Ff6704CA399CE88282EDcF9FeEA
BSC Testnet Contract Addresses
Bridge: 0x15cf8FD3d7Cd83fE9a17f15322F4e95D30b3C880
Erc20 Handler: 0xEc239B20C6d93CE22316F807F898d0C9fA67E3D6
Generic Handler: 0xb264Cf6be02f17BF638Cd59F63C68Ec3036b32b5
Moonbase Testnet Contract Addresses
Bridge: 0x98eC243B9C8FFD4FaccAa4669e172b1266346b5c
Erc20 Handler: 0xe4Fd0BC0601d1f4E042e93D28C6A429B26dF1457
Generic Handler: 0x26c61e08d6fd620420079ED4B90Ec4a99c6bCEaa
Theta Testnet Contract Addresses
Bridge: 0xc37518bCa208BEb992804baa0ccAD935882A432c
Erc20 Handler: 0x387791781A5A9cB1C491E30F19CFD4c7741e5216
Generic Handler: 0x24bB4c53EeDb777fa1ba78d953941567170Cd3a1
npm install
npm start
-- generated
|-- chain-configs (token configs for various chain)
| |-- ethereum.json
| |-- ...
|-- resource-logos (logo files with resource id)
| |-- [resource-id].png
| |-- ...
|-- token-logos (logo files with token address)
| |-- [token-address].png
| |-- ...
|-- passport-tokens.json (token list for meter passport)
|-- swap-tokens.json (token list for voltswap)
|-- wallet-tokens.json (token list for wallet)