Generic application to demonstrate 5 times slower bootup times for the jar vs Application class
This is a remake of Josh Long's example used in
It is a most generic Spring Boot application that contains one resource provided by Spring REST Data.
I've pushed it to GitHub in order to show 5 times slower startup when the application is started via it's jar file.
Timings are taken on a 2013 MacBook Pro with 2.6 GHz Intel Core i7 processors and 16 GB memory.
(run as java -jar target/reservation-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar)
- Started DemoApplication in 34.236 seconds (JVM running for 35.851)
- Started DemoApplication in 40.405 seconds (JVM running for 42.517)
(From IntelliJ)
- Started DemoApplication in 5.283 seconds (JVM running for 5.672) (run mode)
- Started DemoApplication in 6.62 seconds (JVM running for 7.102) (debug mode)