Healthy Horoscopes is a mental wellness app designed to provide helpful resources for improving state of mind. It utilizes machine learning models to provide affirmation feedback, personalized activity and music recommendations to help improve mental health. Other resources provided in this application are suicide prevention hotline information, campus resources, links to guided meditations, a journal and a daily positive horoscope.
This project was brainstormed, designed and implemented for HackUSU 2024.
- Python 3.1x
- Node.js
- Pandas
- joblib
- scikit-learn==1.3.1
You can install some of these via:
$ pip/pip3 install pandas joblib scikit-learn==1.3.1
$ pip/pip3 install -r requirements.txt
Starting in the root directory:
$ cd healthyhoroscopes
Install dependencies for the frontend:
$ npm install
Navigate to the backend folder and install dependencies for the backend:
$ cd backend
$ npm install
To run certain parts of this project, you'll need to create the .env
files for specifying the ports and API keys. You'll have to source your API keys from:
You'll need 2 .env
files, one inside the /backend
folder for the Gemini API key and port for the backend server. And then another one inside the /healthyhoroscopes
for the Supabase API key and port for the frontend.
This will require dual hosting the backend and the frontend so they can talk to eachother. Open up two terminals, run frontend on one and backend on the other.
$ cd backend
$ npm run dev
(from root directory)
$ npm start
- Database: Superbase
- Frontend: React.js
- Backend: Express.js (typescript)
- ML Models: Python w/ Scikit-Learn
- Benefits of journaling:,and%20identifying%20negative%20thoughts%20and
- Mental health resources:
- Benefits of meditation:,centered%20and%20keep%20inner%20peace.
- Guided meditations:
- Background zodiac:
- Background stars:
- Favicon: Star icons created by Freepik - Flaticon
The joblibs are already stored for the models in this project so no need to worry about downloading the datasets to run the project. However, if you'd like to see the datasets we chose and run them yourself in our notebooks you can view the datasets at the sources below:
Music and Mental Health dataset:
Emotions dataset: