For making lambda's easier
pip install bails-lambda-utils
The libarary provides a decorator lambda_handler
which should be attached to the any handler recieiving API calls.
The decorator will automatically map exceptions to appriorate response types:
Exception | Response |
pynamodb.exceptions.DoesNotExist | 404 - Not Found |
bails_lambda_utils.errors.PermissionError | 403 - Forbidden |
bails_lambda_utils.errors.RequiredParamException | 400 - Specifying which param is missing |
Exception | 500 - With reference to aws_request_id |
from bails_lambda_utils.handler import lambda_handler
from bails_lambda_utils.responses import Response
def get(event, context={}):
#... some logic
return Response(status_code=200, message="ok").to_dict()
Docs coming soon
Docs coming soon