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Beyluta edited this page Jul 18, 2023 · 2 revisions

Welcome to the WinWidgets Wiki!



Welcome to the official wiki for WinWidgets! This wiki serves as a comprehensive documentation resource for our C# project that utilizes the powerful CefSharp (Chromium Project) library to render user-made widgets directly on the user's desktop. With WinWidgets, users have the freedom to create, customize, and interact with widgets using familiar web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

What is WinWidgets?

WinWidgets is a desktop application that allows users to design and personalize their own widgets using a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. the project leverages the capabilities of CefSharp, an open-source project based on the Chromium browser, to provide a robust and efficient widget rendering engine.

Key Features

  • Widget Creation: Users can create their own widgets from scratch using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The flexibility of web technologies allows for virtually unlimited customization options.

  • Drag and Drop Import: Widgets can be easily imported into the application through a simple drag and drop interface. Users can seamlessly add their custom or pre-designed widgets to their desktop environment.

  • Widget Editing: WinWidgets provides an intuitive editor that enables users to modify and fine-tune their widgets. Users can make real-time changes to the widget's appearance and behavior, preview the results, and save the changes effortlessly.

  • Desktop Integration: Widgets created with WinWidgets can be seamlessly integrated into the user's desktop environment. Users can position, resize, and interact with the widgets just like any other desktop element.


Contributions from the community are always welcome to improve and expand WinWidgets. Whether you have ideas for new features, bug fixes, or documentation improvements, your input is valuable. Please refer to our for more information.


If you encounter any issues or have questions about WinWidgets, please reach out to our support team. You can find our contact information in the support section of our website or join our community forums to engage with other users.


WinWidgets is licensed under the MIT License. Please review the terms and conditions of the license before using the application.

We hope you find this wiki helpful in your journey with WinWidgets. Explore the documentation, experiment with widget creation, and make your desktop environment truly your own!

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