A VS Code Extension with Apex and LWC Snippets.
Extension contains 146 code snippets.
Prefix | Example |
AccessLevelSystemMode |
AccessLevel.SYSTEM_MODE |
AccessLevelUserMode |
AccessLevel.USER_MODE |
Prefix | Example |
AccessTypeCreatable |
AccessType.CREATABLE |
AccessTypeReadable |
AccessType.READABLE |
AccessTypeUpdatable |
AccessType.UPDATABLE |
AccessTypeUpsertable |
Prefix | Example |
assertAreEqual, Assert.areEqual, aae |
Assert.areEqual(1, 2, 'NOT EQUAL'); |
assertAreNotEqual, Assert.areNotEqual, aane |
Assert.areNotEqual(1, 1, 'Your custom message here'); |
assertFail, Assert.fail, af |
Assert.fail('Your custom message here'); |
assertIsFalse, Assert.isFalse, aif |
Assert.isFalse(true, 'Your custom message here'); |
assertIsInstanceOfType, Assert.isInstanceOfType, aii |
Assert.isInstanceOfType(new Account(), Contact.class, 'Your custom message here'); |
assertIsNotInstanceOfType, Assert.isNotInstanceOfType, aini |
Assert.isNotInstanceOfType(new Account(), Account.class, 'Your custom message here'); |
assertIsNotNull, Assert.isNotNull, ainn |
Assert.isNotNull(null, 'Your message here'); |
assertIsNull, Assert.isNull, ain |
Assert.isNull(null, 'Your message here'); |
assertIsTrue, Assert.isTrue, ait |
Assert.isTrue(null, 'Your message here'); |
Prefix | Example |
Database.countQuery |
Integer recordsAmount = Database.countQuery(queryString); |
Database.delete |
List<Database.DeleteResult> deleteResults = Database.delete(recordsToDelete, allOrNone); |
Database.executeBatch, deb |
Id jobId = Database.executeBatch(new BatchLeadConvert(), 200); |
Database.insert |
List<Database.SaveResult> saveResults = Database.insert(recordsToInsert, allOrNone); |
Database.update |
List<Database.SaveResult> updateResults = Database.update(recordsToUpdate, allOrNone); |
Prefix | Example |
JSON.deserialize |
ApexType result = (ApexType) JSON.deserialize(jsonString, ApexType.class); |
JSON.deserializeStrict |
ApexType result = (ApexType) JSON.deserializeStrict(jsonString, ApexType.class); |
JSON.serialize |
String serializedResult = JSON.serialize(objectToSerialize); |
JSON.serializePretty |
String serializedResult = JSON.serializePretty(objectToSerialize); |
Prefix | Example |
String.escapeSingleQuotes |
String result = String.escapeSingleQuotes(stringToEscape); |
String.format |
String template = '{0} was last updated {1}';
List<Object> parameters = new List<Object>{ 'Universal Containers', DateTime.newInstance(2018, 11, 15) };
String formatted = String.format(template, parameters); |
String.isBlank |
String.isBlank(inputString) |
String.isNotBlank |
String.isNotBlank(inputString) |
String.isNotEmpty |
String.isNotEmpty(inputString) |
String.join |
String result = String.join(iterableObj, 'separator'); |
String.valueOf |
String result = String.valueOf(valueToConvert); |
Prefix | Example |
Test.calculatePermissionSetGroup |
Test.calculatePermissionSetGroup(permissionSetGroupId); |
Test.calculatePermissionSetGroups |
Test.calculatePermissionSetGroup(listOfPermissionSetGroupsIds); |
Test.clearApexPageMessages |
Test.clearApexPageMessages(); |
Test.enableChangeDataCapture |
Test.enableChangeDataCapture(); |
Test.getEventBus |
Test.getEventBus().deliver(); |
Test.getStandardPricebookId |
Id pricebookId = Test.getStandardPricebookId(); |
Test.isRunningTest |
Test.isRunningTest() |
Test.loadData |
List<SObject> records = Test.loadData(ObjectApiName.SObjectType, 'staticResourceName'); |
Test.setCurrentPage |
Test.setCurrentPage(pageReference); |
Test.setMock |
Test.setMock(HttpCalloutMock.class, new YourHttpCalloutMockImplementation()); |
Test.startTest |
Test.startTest(); |
Test.stopTest |
Test.stopTest(); |
Prefix | Example |
UserInfogetDefaultCurrency |
UserInfo.getDefaultCurrency(); |
UserInfogetFirstName |
UserInfo.getFirstName(); |
UserInfogetLanguage |
UserInfo.getLanguage(); |
UserInfogetLastName |
UserInfo.getLastName(); |
UserInfogetName |
UserInfo.getName(); |
UserInfogetProfileId |
UserInfo.getProfileId(); |
UserInfogetUserEmail |
UserInfo.getUserEmail(); |
UserInfogetUserId |
UserInfo.getUserId(); |
UserInfogetUserType |
UserInfo.getUserType(); |
Prefix | Example |
forSoql, foro |
for (Type variable : [SELECT fieldsList FROM Type) {
//Your code here
} |
fori, itar |
for (Integer i = 0; i < listName.size(); i++) {
Account acc = listName[i];
// Your code here
} |
forMap, itme |
for (Id accountId : mapName.keySet()) {
Account acc = mapName.get(accountId);
//Your code here
} |
forReversedOrder, ritar |
for (Integer i = listName.size()-1; i >= 0; i--) {
Account acc = listName[i];
//Your code here
} |
future |
public static void methodName() {
//Your code here
} |
if |
if (true) {
//Your code here
} |
ifElse, ife |
if(true) {
//Your code here
} else {
} |
instanceOf, inst |
if (objects[0] instanceof Account) {
Account acc = (Account) objects[0];
} |
invocableMethod |
@InvocableMethod(label='YourLabeL' description='Description' category='Category')
public static List<Account> exampleMethod() {
//Your code here
} |
isAssignableFrom |
ChildType.class.isAssignableFrom(SourceType.class); |
lastListElement, lst |
myList[myList.size() - 1] |
lazy |
if (myAccount == null) {
myAccount = new Account();
} |
list, nl |
List<Account> testAccounts = new List<Account>(); |
map, nm |
Map<Id, Account> testAccounts = new Map<Id, Account>(); |
set, ns |
Set<Id> accountIds = new Set<Id>(); |
setOfIds, nsfl |
Set<Id> accountIds = new Map<Id, Account>([SELECT Id FROM Account LIMIT 10]).keySet(); |
mapFromList, nmfl |
Map<Id, Account> myAccounts = new Map<Id, Account>(accountsList); |
pro |
{get; private set;} |
prw |
{get; set;} |
final, psf |
public static final |
finalInteger, psfi |
public static final Integer |
finalString, psfs |
public static final String |
select, SEL |
SELECT Id FROM Account |
selectAll, SELALL |
selectToMap, sqm |
Map<Id, Account> myAccounts = new Map<Id, Account>([SELECT Id FROM Account LIMIT 10]); |
selectToList, sql |
List<Account> myAccounts = [SELECT Id, Name FROM Account]; |
selectToObject, sql1 |
List<Account> myAccounts = [SELECT Id FROM Account LIMIT 1];
Account myAcc = myAccounts.size() == 1 ? myAccounts.get(0) : null; |
systemAssert, sa |
System.assert(condition, 'Your message here'); |
systemAssertEquals, sae |
System.assertEquals(expected, actual, 'Your message here'); |
systemAssertEquals, san |
System.assertEquals(null, actual, 'Your message here'); |
systemAssertFail, saf |
System.assert(false, 'Your message here'); |
systemAssertNotEquals, sane |
System.assertNotEquals(expected, actual, 'Your message here'); |
systemAssertNotEquals, sann |
System.assertNotEquals(null, 'Your message here'); |
systemDebug, sd |
System.debug(LoggingLevel.DEBUG, 'your message here: ' + variableHere); |
systemDebugPretty, sdp |
System.debug(LoggingLevel.DEBUG, 'your message here: ' + JSON.SerializePretty(objectVariable)); |
systemRunAs, sra |
System.runAs(user) {
//your code here
} |
isTest, tstm |
static void exampleName() {
//Your code here
} |
testSetup, tsts |
static void setup() {
//Your code here
} |
throw, thr |
throw new CustomException(); |
tryCatch, tc |
try {
//Your code here
} catch (CustomException ex) {
} |
tryCatchFinally, tcf |
try {
//Your code here
} catch (CustomException ex) {
} finally {
} |
while, wh |
while (condition) {
//Your code here
} |
Prefix | Example |
lightning-button |
<lightning-button variant='base' label='label' title='title' onclick={handleOnClick} class='cssClass'>
</lightning-button> |
lightning-combobox |
></lightning-combobox> |
lightning-datatable |
></lightning-datatable> |
lightning-icon |
<lightning-icon icon-name='iconName' alternative-text='alternativeText' title='title'>
</lightning-icon> |
lightning-input |
<lightning-input type='type' label='label' onchange='handleOnChange'>
</lightning-input> |
lightning-input-field |
<lightning-input-field field-name='fieldName' disabled read-only required>
</lightning-input-field> |
lightning-layout |
<lightning-layout horizontal-align='horiznotalAlign' vertical-align='verticalAlign' multiple-rows='multipleRows'>
<lightning-layout-item padding='around-small'>
<lightning-layout-item padding='around-small'>
<lightning-layout-item padding='around-small'>
</lightning-layout> |
lightning-layout-item |
<lightning-layout-item size='size' small-device-size='smallDeviceSize' medium-device-size='mediumDeviceSize' large-device-size='largeDeviceSize' padding='around-small'>
</lightning-layout-item> |
lightning-tabset |
<lightning-tabset variant='variant' active-tab-value='two'>
<lightning-tab label='Item One' value='one'>
One Content !
<lightning-tab label='Item Two' value='two'>
Two Content !
<lightning-tab label='Item Three' value='three'>
Three Content !
</lightning-tabset> |
lightning-tabset |
<lightning-spinner alternative-text='alternativeText' size='size'>
</lightning-spinner> |
slot |
<slot name='name'>
</slot> |
templateForEach |
<template for:each={array} for:item='item'>
</template> |
templateIfFalse |
<template if:false={property}>
</template> |
templateIfTrue |
<template if:true={property}>
</template> |
templateIteratorIt |
<template iterator:it={array}>
<div key={it.value.Id}>
<div if:true={it.first}></div>
<div if:true={it.last}></div>
</template> |
Prefix | Example |
asyncAwait |
try {
const result = await apexMethodName({ apexMethodParams });
} catch (error) {
} |
constructor |
constructor() {
} |
currentPageReference |
import { CurrentPageReference } from 'lightning/navigation';
pageRef; |
customEvent |
new CustomEvent('eventName', {
detail: details,
bubbles: false,
composed: false
}); |
disconnectedCallback |
disconnectedCallback() {
} |
dispatchEvent |
this.dispatchEvent(customEvent); |
errorCallback |
errorCallback(error, stack) {
} |
forEach |
array.forEach((item, index) => {
}); |
getObjectInfo |
import { getObjectInfo } from 'lightning/uiObjectInfoApi';
import objectName from '@salesforce/schema/objectApiName';
@wire(getObjectInfo, { objectApiName: objectName })
propertyOrFunction; |
getPicklistValues |
import { getPicklistValues } from 'lightning/uiObjectInfoApi';
import fieldName from '@salesforce/schema/objectApiName.fieldApiName';
@wire(getPicklistValues, { recordTypeId: '012000000000000AAA', fieldApiName: fieldName })
propertyOrFunction; |
getRecord |
import { getRecord } from 'lightning/uiRecordApi';
@wire(getRecord, { recordId: 'recordId', fields: fields })
propertyOrFunction; |
getRecords |
import { getRecords } from 'lightning/uiRecordApi';
@wire(getRecords, { records: [ { recordIds: 'recordIds', fields: fields } ] })
propertyOrFunction; |
importApexMethod |
import apexMethodName from '@salesforce/apex/Namespace.ClassName.apexMethodReference'; |
importField |
import fieldName from '@salesforce/schema/objectApiName.fieldApiName'; |
importHasPermission |
import hasPermissionName from '@salesforce/userPermission/PermissionName'; |
importNavigationMixin |
import { NavigationMixin } from 'lightning/navigation'; |
importObject |
import objectName from '@salesforce/schema/objectApiName'; |
importUserId |
import userId from '@salesforce/user/Id'; |
map |
array.map((item, index) => {
return {
}); |
importMessageChannel |
import channelName from '@salesforce/messageChannel/channelReference'; |
navigate |
type: 'standard__app',
attributes: {
// Different per page type.
// Check documentation: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/component-library/documentation/en/lwc/lwc.reference_page_reference_type
state: {
// Different per page type.
}); |
querySelector |
this.template.querySelector('element'); |
querySelectorAll |
this.template.querySelectorAll('element'); |
importRefreshApex |
import { refreshApex } from '@salesforce/apex'; |
render |
render() {
} |
renderedCallback |
initialRender = true;
renderedCallback() {
if (!this.initialRender) {
// Your code here.
this.initialRender = false;
} |
showToastEvent |
import { ShowToastEvent } from 'lightning/platformShowToastEvent';
new ShowToastEvent({ 'title', 'message', 'variant' }); |
importStaticResource |
import resourceName from '@salesforce/resourceUrl/resourceName'; |
thenCatch |
apexMethodName({ apexMethodParams })
.then(result => {
.catch(error => {
}); |
wireMethod |
@wire(apexMethodName, { apexMethodParams })
wiredName({ error, data }) {
if (data) {
} else if (error) {
} |
wireProperty |
@wire(apexMethodName, { apexMethodParams })
property; |
Prefix | Example |
capability |
<capability>lightning__ServiceCloudVoiceToolkitApi</capability> |
isExposed |
<isExposed>true</isExposed> |
masterLabel |
<masterLabel>titleOfTheComponent</masterLabel> |
targets |
</targets> |
targetConfig |
<targetConfig targets="lightningCommunity__Page">
name="copied from clipboard"
</targetConfig> |
propertyType |
name="copied from clipboard"
/> |