Find the project spec here.
Black Thursday is a 10-day group project during Mod 1 of 4, for Turing School's Back End Engineering Program.
Our challenge was to build an interface to interact with data via CSV files and enable data analysis.
Learning goals and areas of focus consisted of:
- Apply principles of flow control across multiple methods
- Incorporating databases into program manually
- Understand & implement file IO and class interaction patterns
- Practice breaking a program into logical components
- Apply Enumerable techniques in a real context
- Apply access scope and encapsulation practices for a manually built API
- Ruby 2.7.2
- RSpec
- Pry
- Atom
- GitHub
- HoundCI
- SpecHarness
- SimpleCov
👤 Brian Fletcher
- Github: Brian Fletcher
- LinkedIn: Brian Fletcher
👤 Ezzedine Alwafaii
- Github: Ezzedine Alwafaii
- LinkedIn: Ezzedine Alwafaii
👤 Luis Arroyo
- Github: Luis Arroyo
- LinkedIn: Luis Arroyo
👤 Jacob Martinez
- Github: Jacob Martinez
- LinkedIn: Jacob Martinez
👤 Jessica JJ Jones
- Github: Jessica JJ Jones
- LinkedIn: Jessica JJ Jones