A pleasant Elixir websocket client library, based on Mint and Mint.WebSocket.
This library was extracted from a high-volume websocket client in an application where speed is a critical priority. Since the implementing code was highly varied, this library aims to provide a minimal framework that doesn't get in the way and provides composable tools to avoid the typical boilerplate.
Note that each connection starts its own GenServer
instead of pooling all the
connections into a dispatching process. This design decision was intentional
in order to maintain the speed requirement and prevent the dispatching process
from becoming the bottleneck. However, this may come at a cost of some syntax
sugar you might find in other libraries.
This library is still a work in progress - more will be extracted soon. Breaking changes should be expected until a stable 1.0 release is published.
The package can be installed by adding wind
to your list of dependencies in mix.exs
def deps do
{:wind, "~> 0.3.3"}
Below is a minimal example to show how you could create a websocket client.
defmodule BinanceMonitor do
use Wind.Client, ping_timer: 30_000
def start_link() do
uri = URI.new!("wss://data-stream.binance.com/ws")
Wind.Client.start_link(__MODULE__, uri: uri)
def handle_connect(state) do
message = Jason.encode!(%{method: "SUBSCRIBE", params: ["btcusdt@aggTrade"], id: 1})
{:reply, {:text, message}, state}
def handle_frame({:text, message}, state) do
data = Jason.decode!(message)
{:noreply, state}
- Add telemetry
- Add additional event handling
Development sponsored in part by Cignals, LLC. - Bitcoin and Crypto Order Flow Tools.