This service allows you autostart and stop an Onan generator using a constant run signal such as from a Victron Cerbo GX. In effect, this connects a management system, like Victron, to the generator's three-wire momentary controls.
The Onan generator uses a three-wire control system. Here are the states T1-T4 used in the configuration:
// _______________
// START ___________________________| Start T3 |_____running...______________________
// _____________|delay T2| ____________
// STOP _____| Prime T1 |_____________________________running...______| Stop T4 |___
T1: not currently used.
T2: not currently used.
T3: Start signal to crank over the starter.
T4: Stop signal to stop the generator.
Raspberry Pi 3/4/5
Relay board:
Cerbo GX:
Raspberry Pi OS Lite
- Install the OS on the Raspberry Pi with SSH enabled.
- Install dotnet 8.0.300, see:
- See deploy.txt for example commands to copy over the code and run the service.