Hooli-tunez is a music playing application where a user can scroll through a list of songs and play thier favorite ones
1.Either fork or download the app and open the folder in the cli
2.Install all dependencies using the npm i
3.Start the wev server using the nmp run local
command. The app will be served at https://localhost:8080/
4.Go to http://localhost:8080/ in your browser and create your own channel
1.Press the play button in the middle to play the current song 2.Press the same button to pause the song 3.Press the forward button to skip to the next song 4.Press the backwards button to play the last song
- A user can listen to any song they want to hear stored in the application
User validation -User is validated with the backend for access to the application
Music player -Has a variety of music stored for the user to scroll through and enjoy
-HTML -CSS -javascript -react -redux -java -springboot -sql
https://github.com/RaheemAbol/Hooli-tunez/blob/main/src/hoolilogin.PNG https://github.com/RaheemAbol/Hooli-tunez/blob/main/src/hoolipic1.PNG