Cloudformation/SAM yaml file to create a GraphQL API with AWS AppSync backed by a DynamoDB table.
Check out this article for a breakdown of each resource in the template
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
type Data {
data: [AWSJSON]
pk1: String
sk1: String
type DataCollection {
items: [Data]
nextToken: String
input WriteDataInput {
pk1: String!
sk1: String!
data: [AWSJSON]!
input UpdateDataInput {
pk1: String!
sk1: String!
data: [AWSJSON]!
type Mutation {
writeData(input: WriteDataInput!): Data
updateData(input: UpdateDataInput!): Data
deleteData(pk1: String!, sk1: String!): Data
type Query {
readData(pk1: String!, sk1: String!): Data
readAllPKData(pk1: String!): DataCollection