we have updates and optimizations in the git repository: https://github.com/Transit-Model-CRAAM/pipelineMCMC
- Pipeline programming
- Python (3.8) + C
Desenvolvido com o intuito de divulgar e facilitar programas que geram a curva de luz de uma Host Star com Exoplanetas a orbitando.
Confira nosso site para mais informações: clique aqui!
Developed in order to promote and facilitate programs that generate the light curve of a Host Star with Exoplanets orbiting.
Check out our website for more information: click here!
- Documentação UML -> Download to view the project's UML documentation
- Programs EN version -> Download to run the program via Python IDE (ENGLISH VERSION)
- Programas PT BR - version -> Download to run the program via Python IDE (PT - BR VERSION)
- Curva de Luz.rar -> Download to run the executable application
🇧🇷 Antes de começar os testes, lembre-se de instalar as seguintes bibliotecas:
🇺🇸 Before starting testing, remember to install the following libraries:
- numpy:
pip install numpy
(https://numpy.org/install/) - matplotlib:
pip install matplotlib
- kepler:
pip install kepler.py
- numpy
- matplotlib
Check out more about the project and its documentation by checking our Wiki (https://github.com/biaduque/astronomy/wiki)
Or read my produced field research article. Available in: (http://eventoscopq.mackenzie.br/index.php/jornada/xvijornada/paper/view/1879/1226)
🇧🇷 Se já está familiarizado com programação em python, utilize a versão "main_para_programadores.py" para a melhor otimização do processo.
🇧🇷 Utilize a versão 3.8 do Python.
🇺🇸 If you are already familiar with python programming, use the version "main_for_programmers.py" for the best optimization of the process.
🇺🇸 Use Python version 3.8.