Hello. This loader loads and initializes onetap crack in the CS:GO.
- 🔶 How clone this repository ?
git clone https://github.com/0x000cb/otc.git && cd otc && git submodule update --init --recursive
Everything worked out, but when i inject onetap, menu it does not render.
- Enable multi-threaded rendering (in csgo) and then inject OTC.
- If everything still does not work before, add a flag to disable d3x9 in the CS: GO startup parameters.
I inject otc into the game but it freezes and doesn't respond.
(And also the consumption of processor resources is reduced to 2-3%)
- Try to open the console before the injection. The problem most often lies in the injector.
p.s This issue is observed on Windows prior to version 10.
When you already fix what I need so much ??? I can’t play without it !!! (There should be a function name without which you cannot play)
- First of all, we try to solve the most important problems.
- In TODO, you can see the order in which work is currently being performed.
The game crashes when I try inject OTC.
- Make sure you have the latest version of OTC.
- If you inject an addon then try without it, very often it causes crashes.
- Injector problems are also possible. (Try use process hacker)
p.s Injection through crashhandler spoofing can also cause crashes.
I found this repository, but can't find OneTap source code.
- Right. This is just a loader, that initializes & patch & invoke a binary file in game memory.
- You can watch/patch file here.
How update signatures, index's, and netvars?
- Vector: m_signatures
- FAQ: #12
- Function: CustomVirtualCaller
- You just need to go to unknowncheats, find out which index the rest have shifted from, and how much, and set this as a rule in the method.
- Example:
- Shifting base: 179.
- Shifting count: 2.
if (index >= 179) { index += 2; }
- Vector: m_netvars
- Just change the second argument in the structure to the current value. It's all. (Recommend use: hazedumper)
How to change the name in the watermark to your own?
- We need to clone the project with git. To do this, see the first paragraph of the FAQ.
- Then we need go to: dev -> dllmain.cpp, and edit this lines: https://github.com/0x000cb/otc/blob/master/OTC/dllmain.cpp#L103.
- Compile and inject. Gl & Hf.
- Random legit crashes. (#88)
- Binds. (Key-non-trigger)
- Attachments. (Chams) (#75)
- Animations. (Chams) (#8)
- Add GUI. (+ Runtime staff support)
- Rewrite with OOP + Only NativeAPI.
- 0x000cb - it's me! (Project creator & reverse staff)
- HoShiMin - Legacy & Native help. (Easy hook with HookLib :d)
- playday3008 - Help with github & frequent pull requests.
- ♥ Community - Thank you for helping to develop and improve the project.
- ♥ toast, wnz, d3x - The creators of OT crack.
- 🛡️ flyingllama - Creator of skeet tier security.