This project is an another SPI flash programmer. I need a SPI flash programmer to burn a flash chip to repair LCD monitor. As I hadn't any programmer I decided to make one by my own using Arduino nano.
As a result a complete solution was implemented.
- supported modules:
- Arduino nano compatible
- RPi Pico (RP2040)
- universal SPI flash programmer
- Predefined chips:
- MX25L2026E
- MX25l2005A
- MX25V16066
- W25Q32
- W25Q80
- Generic chips
- easy configurable with
parameter - easy configurable via
- easy configurable with
- Predefined chips:
- unprotect operation
- erase/write verification
- communication protocol secured by CRC checksum
- high-speed SPI
- 8MHz - Arduino
- 60MHz - RPi Pico
- high-speed USART/CDC
- 0.5Mbaud - Arduino
- 4Mbaud - RPi Pico
- D10 (PB2) ------ CS (chip select)
- D11 (PB3) ------ MOSI (SPI data output)
- D12 (PB4) ------ MISO (SPI data input)
- D13 (PB5) ------ SCK (SPI clock)
NOTE For communication with 3.3V chips simple resistor voltage divider can be used. In my case voltage divider using 1K and 2K resistors was enough.
- WE (write enable) pin should be connected to ground
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -S ../recipes/firmware/arduino/ -B .
make all upload_firmware
NOTE Prebuilt firmware is available at firmware/arduino/dist/firmware_<clk>_<baud>.hex
cd firmware/arduino
./ -m atmega328p -f dist/firmware_16mhz_19200bps.hex
By default, scripts writes the firmware using avrdude via arduino programmer (arduino resistant bootloader). Programmer type, MCU and optional communication baudrate can be adjusted for particular hardware configuration. Please find the following syntax of script:
./ <-m mcu> [-P programmer] [-p port] [-b baudrate] [-m mcu] [-L lfuse] [-H hfuse] [-E efuse] [-f flash.hex] [-e e2prom.hex]
sudo apt install cmake gcc-arm-none-eabi libnewlib-arm-none-eabi libstdc++-arm-none-eabi-newlib
mkdir build; cd build
cmake -S ../recipes/firmware/rpi_pico/
- 21 (GP16) ------ MISO (SPI data input)
- 22 (GP17) ------ CS (chip select)
- 24 (GP18) ------ SCK (SPI clock)
- 25 (GP19) ------ MOSI (SPI data output)
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ../recipes/flashutil/
make all
There is a predefined list of flash chips added to this project at flashutil/etc/chips.json
. It contains declaractions (geomtry) of all chips mentioned in the 'Features' section.
Other custom chips can be added by analogy without adding -g
option to flash-util
All size-related values are string values and optionally support binary metric modifiers such as Kib
, Mib
, Gib
(representing kibibit, mebibit, gigibit), as well as KiB
, MiB
, GiB
(representing kibibyte, mebibyte, gigibyte).
- Print help and exit
flash-util -h
- Erase whole chip (without verification)
flash-util -s /dev/ttyUSB0 -R ../flashutil/etc/chips.json -e
- Erase whole chip (with verification)
flash-util -s /dev/ttyUSB0 -R ../flashutil/etc/chips.json -e -V
- Write image to chip (with verification)
flash-util -s /dev/ttyUSB0 -R ../flashutil/etc/chips.json -w -i /tmp/flash.src.bin -V
- Read whole chip
flash-util -s /dev/ttyUSB0 -R ../flashutil/etc/chips.json -r -o /tmp/flash.dst.bin
- Writing image to unknown chip
flash-util -s /dev/ttyUSB0 -e -w -i /tmp/flash.src.bin -V --flash-geometry 65536:64:4096:1024:fc