UDP listener for Ekey CV LAN, which uses openHAB REST API to upload the fingerprint response to openHAB
an alternative way to import Ekey fingerprint to openHAB (openHAB2, openHAB3)
- Ekey fingerprint sensor
- Ekey CV LAN
- openHAB3 recommended, REST-calls also available with openHAB2 (http://openhab.org)
first of all, you have to configure your Ekey CV LAN via ekey_home_converter_LAN_config.exe (find it at https://www.ekey.net/downloadcenter/) to use your IP-addresses and be sure to configure the UDP-Calls like this:
- configure the UDP-port
- configure the IP-address of the recipient (the server you're running ekeylistener.py on!)
- configure the delimiter
- configure MULTI as protocol type
After that, configure the variables in ekeylistener.py: openHAB variables:
- OH_HOST = '192.168.xx.yy' // The IP-adress of your openHAB server
- OH_PORT = '8080' // The Port of your openHAB Server (default is 8080)
- OH_EKEYITEM = 'ekey_JSON' // The name of an openHAB item, which you want the JSON to update CV LAN variables:
- UDP_PORT = 51000 // the UDP-port you chose in the above configuration programm (default is 51000)
- PAYLOAD_DELIMITER = "" // the delimiter you chose in the configuration programm (default is "")
after that, you're good to go, with the JSON of the fingerprint sensor in your item.
- You MUST configure MULTI as protocol right now, as I use that over HOME. RARE is way more complex, but MULTI will give you all you need in my opinion
- This is for the REST API without any restrictions as introduced in openHAB3, perhaps later on, I'll update to allow for a credentials restricted API access.
- this comes "as is", no warranties