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DeepInsight Tab2Image coder: a simple and easy way of converting tabular data to images for convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Improvements and new packages are added. One line function for data conversion from tabular to image samples.

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DeepInsight Tab2Image coder: Improvement in performance and easy to integrate this coder. A simple way of converting tabular data to images for convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Additions of new functions (such as blurring technique) increase the classification accuracy of a CNN model used. One line function to convert tabular data to image samples using:

[XTrain,model] = deepinsightTab2Img(data,options);

See details by typing help deepinsightTab2Img in Matlab console.

To convert test or validation data use X = deepinsightConv(data,model), where model is generated from deepinsightTab2Img function.

New updates in this package are:

  1. Package is redesigned to simplyfy the usage.
  2. A number of projection methods are included: tsne,umap,kpca,pca and lda (a supervised method).
  3. New blurring technique is included. This technique populate nearby pixels of characteristic pixels. This technique has shown to improve the classification performance of CNN model significantly.
  4. Conversion of a d x n matrix or a d x n x layers matrix (3D) is possible. Multi-omics data or multi-layered data can be converted to colored images.
  5. For multi-layered data (d x n x layers), projection of data using a particular layer (e.g. layer-1) is possible. This will find pixel locations based on layer-1, and the elements of other layers (e.g. layer-2 and layer-3) are mapped to these pixel locations.
  6. Continuing from above (4), it is possible to simultaneously use all the layers to find pixel locations. Thereafter, the elements of all the layers are mapped to the common pixel locations.
  7. Augmentation of data is possible.

DeepInsightTab2Image tested on:

OS: Linux Ubuntu 20.04; Matlab version: 2022a; GPU A100 (2 parallel);

Download and Install

  1. Download Matlab package DeepInsightTab2Image from the link above. Store it in your working directory and quick check if the codes are working properly:

    >> data=rand(5,10);
    >> [XTrain,model] = deepinsightTab2Img(data);
    %following message will be displayed
    Layer-1 data used for Cart2Pixel
    tSNE with exact algorithm is used
    Distance: euclidean
    Pixels: 224 x 224
    >> Xtest = deepinsightConv(rand(5,1),model);
    %following message will be shown

The testing is successful if no errors are reported by executing the above two functions

  1. Clear the Workspace and Load the example dataset omics.mat (data size is 8.2M):

    >>  clear all;
    >>  load omics.mat
    % data = 5062 x 230 x 3 single
    % Labels = 230 x 1 categorical

The above omics.mat data is a multi-layered data with 5062 dimension, 230 samples and 3 layers: d=5062; n=230; layers=3.

  1. Set aside some samples

    >>  rng('default');
    >>  inx = randperm(size(data,2));
    >>  inx = inx(1:10);
    >>  dataXts = data(:,inx,:); % 5062 x 10 x 3 single
    >>  data(:,inx,:) = [];      % 5062 x 220 x 3 single
    >>  LabelsXts = Labels(inx); % 10 x 1 categorical
    >>  Labels(inx) = [];        % 220 x 1 categorical
  2. Execute Tab2Img function on data

    >>  [XTrain, model] = deepinsightTab2Img(data);
    % This will convert data to images (XTrain) using default parameters
    % XTrain = 224 x 224 x 3 x 220 (4-D uint8) 

    model will defined all the parameters used. Since in the above case options are not changed, default paramters model.Parm can be seen.

    >>  model.Parm
    % struct with fields
    %     Method: 'tsne'
    %       Dist: 'euclidean'
    %     Labels: []
    %  PixelSize: 224
    %       Norm: 2
    %    Augment: 'no'
    % AugSamples: 500 (note: only used when 'Augment' = 'yes')
    % FeatureMap: 1 (i.e. Layer-1 is used for projection and other layers are used for mapping).
    %   Blurring: 'no'
    %   SnowFall: 'no'
    %       Step: 4
    %    MPS_Fix: 1

    model also defines normalization parameters (model.Min and model.Max), pixel locations (model.xp and model.yp), images sizes and Labels (if used)

  3. Plot the converted sample

    >>  figure; imshow(XTrain(:,:,:,1));

    alt text

    DeepInsightTab2Img- Method: tsne with Distance: euclidean

  4. Type help deepinsightTab2Img for various options. Apply blurring technique

    >>  [XTrain, model] = deepinsightTab2Img(data,'Blurring','yes');
    >>  figure; imshow(XTrain(:,:,:,1));
    % nearby pixels of characteristic pixels will be populated

    alt text

    DeepInsightTab2Img- Blurring technique

  5. Convert a validation set or a test set using model obtained from (6).

    >>  XTest = deepinsightConv(dataXts,model);
    % XTest = 4-D uint8 of size 224 x 224 x 3 x 10 

    plot XTest images

    >>  P = imtile(XTest(:,:,:,1:9)); % these XTest samples belong to different class Labels
    >>  P = rescale(P);
    >>  figure; imshow(P);

    alt text

    deepinsightConv- plotting Test images

  6. Change the tsne distance to cosine and apply the same procedure

    >>  [XTrain, model] = deepinsightTab2Img(data,'Dist','cosine','Blurring','yes'); % distance cosine with Blurring technique
    >>  figure; imshow(XTrain(:,:,:,1)); title('Dist cosine');

    alt text

    DeepInsightTab2Img- distance: cosine

  7. Many options can be changed according to the requirements. Details of options for deepinsightTab2Img are given below.

        'Method': 'tsne' | 'kpca' | 'umap' | 'pca'| 'lda' (supervised method therefore Labels are required)
          'Dist': 'euclidean' (default) | 'seuclidean' | 'cityblock' | 'chebychev' | 'minkowski' | 'mahalanobis' | 
                'cosine' | 'correlation' | 'spearman' | 'hamming' | 
                'jaccard' | function handle.   
                %(Dist variable is applicable only for `tsne` Method option).
        'Labels': Labels (categorical values applicable for Method 'lda' or data augmentation 'Augment','yes')
     'PixelSize': k (default k = 224, will give 224 x 224 image size) | set 'PixelSize',[] to determine pixel frame size automatically 
         'Norm' : 1 | 2
       'Augment': 'no' (default) | yes
    'AugSamples': m (m samples per class, default m is 500)
    'FeatureMap': 0 (all layers used for projection ) | 1 (default) layer-1 projection | 2 (layer-2 projection) | 3 (layer-3 projection)
      'Blurring': 'no' (default) | 'yes'
      'SnowFall': 'no' (default) | 'yes'
          'Step': s (default s=4), s=[1,5]
      'MPS_Fix' : 1 (default) | 0 %(Pixel size will be determined automatically, managed internally)

    Options for deepinsightConv are given below

    >>  [ImgData, model] = deepinsightConv(data,model,options);
    %options can be
    %'AugSamples': k (defined k>0 to be augmented per class)
    %'Labels': provide labels for validation data (labels_validation)
    >>  [ImgData, model] = deepinsightConv(data,model,'AugSamples',50,'Labels',labels_validation);
    % model.Validation = 
    %  struct with field
    %  AugSamples:50
    %      Labels: px1 categorical 
    %   orgLabels: qx1 categorical
  8. Apply 'umap' projection method. Note for 'umap', option 'Dist' is not required. Also note, that 'umap' uses Python or R code. Therefore, first install necessary Python/R packages. For Python the following packages are used numpy, sys and umap.

    Moreover, change the default PixelSize to 50

    >>  [XTrain, model] = deepinsightTab2Img(data,'Method','umap','PixelSize',50);
    % NORM-2
    % Layer-1 data used for Cart2Pixel
    % umap is used
    % Pixels: 50 x 50 

    Plot images of class-1 and class-2

    >>  numObservations = [1:8,213:220]; % Labels positions 1:8 belong to class-1 and 213P1=:220 belong to class-2
    >>  P1 = imtile(XTrain(:,:,:,numObservations),'Frames',1:8,'GridSize',[2 4]);
    >>  P2 = imtile(XTrain(:,:,:,numObservations),'Frames',9:16,'GridSize',[2 4]);
    >>  figure; subplot(2,1,1);imshow(P1); title(['class ',num2str(double(Labels(numObservations(1))))]);
    >>  subplot(2,1,2);imshow(P2); title(['class ',num2str(double(Labels(numObservations(9))))]);

    alt text

    Uniform Manifold Approximation and Projection (umap) with PizelSize 50 x 50.

  9. Using lda for projection: since lda is a supervised method Labels are to be provided

    >>  [XTrain, model] = deepinsightTab2Img(data, 'Method', 'lda','Labels',Labels);
    % NORM-2
    % Layer-1 data used for Cart2Pixel
    % lda is used
    % t cluster for LDA 292
    % Pixels: 224 x 224

    To augment image data apply Augment as

    >>  [XTrain, model] = deepinsightTab2Img(data, 'Method','lda','Augment','yes','Labels',Labels);
    % This will augment around m= 500 samples per class. To change this number apply ...'AugSamples',m ...
    % size of XTrain is 224 x 224 x 3 x 1222
    >>  P = imtile(XTrain(:,:,:,[1,length(Labels)+1]));
    >>  figure; imshow(P); title('original and augmented sample');

    alt text

    deepinsightTab2Img- projection method lda with augmentated samples

  10. Effect of using blurring technique with an illustration

    Generate an artificial image

    >>  M = ones(15,15);
    >>  row = [4,9]; col = [4, 7]; % define row and columns for characteristic pixel locations
    >>  M(sub2ind(size(M),row,col)) = 0.4; % define characteristic pixel values
    >>  figure; subplot(2,3,1); imagesc(M); title('original image')
    >>  for step=1:5
    >>      MB = BlurTech(M,row,col,step);
    >>      subplot(2,3,step+1); imagesc(MB); title(['Blurring step ',num2str(step)]);
    >>  end

    alt text

    blurring technique with step = 1 .. 5.

  11. Augmenting Validation data

    If it is required to augment validation data as well then deepinsightConv can be used as

    >>  [XValidation, model] = deepinsightConv(data_validation,model,'AugSamples',k,'Labels',labels_validation);
    % size of XValidation would be R x C x layers x r, and model is generated from deepinsightTab2Img
    %    where r = number of original validation samples + augmented validation samples

    The details about validation can be access by

    >>  model.Validation
    % struct with feilds
    % AugSamples: k
    %     Labels: r (p, original + q, augmented samples)
    %  orgLabels: number of validation samples (before augmentation)


Related materials

DeepInsight YouTube

A YouTube video about the original DeepInsight method is available here. A Matlab page on DeepInsight can be viewed from here.

GitHub weblink of DeepInsight (Python and Matlab)

Overall weblink here

Winning Kaggle competition by Mark Peng

a) Competition details: Mechanisms of Actions (MoA) Predictions

b) Peng et al., 1st 1st PlaceWinning Solution– Hungry for Gold. Laboratory for Innovation Science at Harvard, Mechanisms of Action (MoA) Prediction Competition 2020. here

c) Organizers: MIT and Harvard University (Connectivity Map here)

d) DeepInsight EfficientNet-B3 Noisy Student (PyTorch) here


DeepInsight Tab2Image coder: a simple and easy way of converting tabular data to images for convolutional neural networks (CNNs). Improvements and new packages are added. One line function for data conversion from tabular to image samples.






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