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A set of nonnumerical routines for computational chemistry


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Tinned contains a set of nonnumerical routines for computational chemistry, in which symbolic routines are built on top of SymEngine library. Theoretical background can be found in reference [1].

Currently, the following project uses Tinned library:

  • SymResponse, a unified framework for response theory.


Tinned is licensed under Mozilla Public License Version 2.0, see the LICENSE for more information.


Both SymEngine and Tinned require CMake and C++ compiler which supports C++11 standard.

Clone and build forked SymEngine library first, which has implmented derivatives for different matrix expressions.

Then clone Tinned library and build it by setting SymEngine_DIR to the SymEngine installation or build directory.

Tinned APIs

Tinned currently provides C++ interface. Classes in Tinned that can be useful for computational chemistry include:

  • Class Perturbation, perturbations.
  • Class PertTuple, std::multiset for perturbation tuples[1].
  • Class PertDependency, std::set for perturbations that an operator depends on and their maximum orders that can be differentiated.
  • Class PerturbedParameter, (perturbed) response parameter.
  • Class OneElecDensity, one-electron spin-orbital density matrix derived from the abstract electronic state class ElectronicState.
  • Class OneElecOperator, one-electron like operators.
  • Class TwoElecEnergy, two-electron like energies.
  • Class TwoElecOperator, two-electron like operators.
  • Class ExchCorrEnergy, exchange-correlation energy like functionals.
  • Class ExchCorrPotential, exchange-correlation potential like operators.
  • Class NonElecFunction, non-electron like functions.
  • Class TemporumOperator, for operators $\langle\mathrm{i}\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\vert$ and $\vert\mathrm{i}\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\rangle$.
  • Class TemporumOverlap, for the operator $-\frac{1}{2}(\langle\mathrm{i}\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\chi_{\kappa}\vert\chi_{\lambda}\rangle +\langle\chi_{\kappa}\vert\mathrm{i}\frac{\partial}{\partial t}\chi_{\lambda}\rangle)$.
  • Class AdjointMap represents an adjoint map $\prod_{j}\left(\text{ad}{\tilde{\mathbf{X}}{j}}\right)(\tilde{\mathbf{Y}})$ where all $\tilde{\mathbf{X}}_{j}$'s and all their derivatives are commutative.
  • Class ClusterConjHamiltonian is used for coupled-cluster theory and represents an exponential map in the form of $\text{e}^{\text{ad}{-\hat{T}}}(\hat{H}^{b{P}})$ or $\text{e}^{\text{ad}{-\hat{T}}}\left(\prod{j=1}^{j_{\max}} \left(\text{ad}{\hat{T}^{b{Q_{j}}}}\right)(\hat{H}^{b_{P}})\right)$ with $1\le j_{\max}\le3$.

It is recommended that one uses helper functions in Tinned library to create objects of any above classes. These helper functions are defined and implemented in the corresponding header files, and are named as make_...(). Users can refer to comments in these header files for the use of helper functions.

To facilitate the development of response theory, the following functions are provided by Tinned:

  • Function remove_zeros(x) removes zero quantities from x.
  • Function remove_if(x, symbols) removes given symbols from x.
  • Function keep_if(x, symbols, remove_zero_quantities) keeps given symbols in x while removing others, parameter remove_zero_quantities indicates if zero quantities will be removed from the output.
  • Function replace(x, subs_dict, cache) replaces classes defined in Tinned library in addition to those in SymEngine::msubs();
  • Function find_all(x, symbol) finds a given symbol and all its differentiated ones in x;
  • Function eliminate(x, parameter, perturbations, min_order) eliminates a given response parameter's derivatives from x. Maximum order of derivatives to be eliminated is the length of perturbations, and minimum order is specified by min_order. For wave function parameters, it should be greater than the floor function of the half length of perturbations, and for multipliers, it should be greater than or equal to the ceiling function of the half length of perturbations according to J. Chem. Phys. 129, 214103 (2008).
  • Function clean_temporum(x) cleans TemporumOperator objects in x.
  • Function latexify(x) latexifies an expression x.
  • Function stringify(x) stringifies an expression x.
  • Function differentiate(expr, perturbations) can be used to do high-order differentiation, and to remove zero quantities.
  • Function template replace_all<T>(x, subs_dict) replaces Tinned objects and their derivatives with SymEngine Basic symbols and corresponding derivatives. Template parameter T is the type of those Tinned objects.

One should note that:

  • Functions remove_zeros, remove_if, keep_if and eliminate may return a null pointer SymEngine::RCP<const SymEngine::Basic>() when no symbols left after the action. Users can call is_null() to check the output of these functions.
  • Functions clean_temporum and differentiate may return a zero output of type either Tinned::ZeroOperator or SymEngine::zero. Users can check if the output is a zero quantity by calling the function Tinned::is_zero_quantity.


The following snippet shows how to use Tinned library to create (i) electrical and geometrical perturbations with zero frequency, (ii) overlap $\mathbf{S}$ and density $\mathbf{D}$ matrices, (iii) the idempotency constraint $\mathbf{Z}=\mathbf{DSD}-\mathbf{D}$, and finally take the second order derivatives of $\mathbf{Z}$:

#include <iostream>

#include <symengine/constants.h>
#include <symengine/symengine_rcp.h>
#include <symengine/matrices/matrix_add.h>
#include <symengine/matrices/matrix_mul.h>

#include "Tinned.hpp"

int main()
    // Create electrical and geometrical perturbations with zero frequency
    auto el = Tinned::make_perturbation(std::string("EL"));
    auto geo = Tinned::make_perturbation(std::string("GEO"));

    // Create overlap matrix which depends on geometrical perturbation
    auto S = Tinned::make_1el_operator(
        Tinned::PertDependency({std::make_pair(geo, 99)})

    // Create density matrix which depends on all perturbations
    auto D = Tinned::make_1el_density(std::string("D"));

    // Creat the idempotency constraint Z = DSD - D
    auto Z = SymEngine::matrix_add({
        SymEngine::matrix_mul({D, S, D}),
        SymEngine::matrix_mul({SymEngine::minus_one, D})

    // Take the second order derivatives of the idempotency constraint
    auto K = Tinned::differentiate(Z, Tinned::PertTuple({el, geo}));
    std::cout << "Second order derivatives of the idempotency constraint: "
              << Tinned::stringify(K) << "\n";

    return 0;

More examples can be found in Tinned tests in the directory tests.


  • Add Boolean input for differentiate function to indicate if call clean_temporum after differentiation;
  • Introduce CoefficientMO inherited from ElectronicState;
  • Test newly added TwoElecEnergy and coupled-cluster classes, and visitors EliminationVisitor, TemporumCleaner, ZerosRemover.
  • More tests on ExchCorrPotential::get_potential_map.
  • Add tests for functions ExchCorrEnergy::get_energy_terms and ExchCorrPotential::get_potential_terms.


[1] Bin Gao, "Tinned: A Symbolic Library for Response Theory and High-Order Derivatives", J. Comput. Chem., DOI: 10.1002/jcc.27437.

NOTE the following changes have been made comparing to reference [1]:

  • Function find_dependency is renamed get_diff_order;
  • Class TwoElecEnergy stores a TwoElecOperator object G_(inner_) instead the density matrix inner_;
  • Class OneElecOperator is used to represent basis functions on bra and ket in class TemporumOverlap;
  • Class TemporumOperator does not support objects of class NonElecFunction as its target;
  • Introduce class PerturbedParameter that replaces classes LagMultiplier and StateVector;
  • Classes AdjointMap and ExpAdjointHamiltonian do not use name as their member variable, and class ExpAdjointHamiltonian is renamed ClusterConjHamiltonian;
  • Add class ConjugateTranspose;
  • Remove class StateOperator, such that the coupled-cluster operator is represented by the matrix multiplication of coupled-cluster amplitudes and the transpose of excitation operators.
  • Type of perturbation frequency is changed to SymEngine::RCP<const SymEngine::Basic>.
  • Function find_all(x, symbol) returns a vector of symbols that are sorted according to their derivatives and hash.


A set of nonnumerical routines for computational chemistry







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