A webcomponent to show a mask over content to highlight. The content to highlight is in a rectangle.
Needs lit-html as dependancy
Install it using npm as ES6 Module
$ npm install mask-highlighter --save
or download zip
- Import Web Components' polyfill (if needed):
<script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents.min.js"></script>
- Import the component
<script type="module" src="../mask-highlighter.js"></script>
- Start using it
It will expose properties :
- {Area} area : the area of the rectangle of the mask
- {Position} position : the position of the rectangle of the mask
- {string} lineHeight : the height of a line if you want to play with lines and cols (Default value is 1.15em)
- {string} colWidth : the width of a column if you want to play with lines and cols (Default value is 35px)
It will expose thoses attributes : Area Attributes
- {string} height : the height of rectangle to apply to area
- {stirng} width : the width of rectangle to apply to area
- {string} top : the top position of rectangle to apply to area
- {string} left : the left position of rectangle to apply to area Position Attributes
- {number} line : the line number where the rectangle will start
- {number} nb-lines : the number of line of the rectangle
- {number} col : the col number where the rectangle will start
- {number} nb-cols : the number of column of the rectangle
- {string} top-margin : the top position before starting counting lines (top margin is apply if line is set)
- {string} left-margin : the left position before starting counting columns (left margin is apply if col is set) Parameters Attributes
- {string} line-height : the height of a line if you want to play with lines and cols (Default value is 1.15em)
- {string} col-width : the width of a column if you want to play with lines and cols (Default value is 35px)
The following custom properties are available for styling.
Custom property | Description | Default |
--mask-highlighter-bg-color |
Mask color | rgba(63,63,63,0.7) |