This tool is intended for creating a so called lookup index on a running Elasticsearch (ES) instance, using data extracted from knowledge graphs (i.e. terminologies) which are stored in a Virtuoso triplestore. The application functions as adapter between ES and Virtuoso. Terms are extracted from Virtuoso (via SPARQL) and inserted into ES, which also handles the JSON (de-)serialization.
Following fields are used for the index:
- label (String)
- uri (String)
- author (String)
- sourceTerminology (String)
- description (String)
- url (String)
- id (String; hash generated from uri)
- synonyms (List)
- broaders terms (List)
To add more supported fiels (thus adding more indexed fields)
- extend
class: it maps properties from Virtuoso to a Java object - extend
class: it represents the actual indexed document and will be converted to a JSON representation by the ES API. Fields extending the lookup index must be declared here.
- JDK >= 11
- Maven
This version was tested (and implemented) against Virtuoso 7.2 and Elasticsearch 7.16.3.
- Checkout the repository
- Import project repository, e.g, via Eclipse
- JUnit tests are supplied, but need a running ES instance; they can be skipped, when building the project
- Make sure to edit parameters in the
, e.g., user(s) and password(s)
The applications comes as a standalone .jar, which can be executed on the commandline.
usage: <this>.jar [-a <arg>] [-c <arg>] [-m <arg>]
-a <arg> terminology acronym, e.g., ENVO
-c <arg> path to configuration file (default:
-m <arg> generator mode ('create', 'update')
Currently, two modes are supported:
- create: use this mode to create a new index based on terms found in the supplied terminology. Terms will then be automatically extracted from the corresponding graph and inserted into the index
- upate: use this mode to update an existing index, e.g., if there is a new terminology version available inside the triplestore. Terms will be extracted from the MOD graph of the terminology and - depending on their status - will either add, remove or modify items on the index.
- The Firefox addon Elasticvue can be used for an easy inspection of the ES instance