Single Cell Caller (SCcaller) - Identify single nucleotide variations (SNVs) and short insertions and deletions (INDELs) from single cell sequencing data
Version 2.0.0
Updated date: 2019.04.01
Cite us:
Dong X et al. Accurate identification of single-nucleotide variants in whole-genome-amplified single cells. Nat Methods. 2017 May;14(5):491-493. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.4227.
Authors: Xiao Dong, Yujue Wang
Email: [email protected] (X.D.), [email protected] (X.D.), [email protected] (Y.W.)
Licensed under the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 or later
python 2.7
python modules os, argparse, sys, subprocess, re, collections, itertools, logging, time, functiontools, random, string, math, numpy, multiprocessing, pysam(0.15.1)
samtools v.1.9+ (Other versions not tested)
python \
--bam cell.bam \ # bam file of a single cell
--fasta ref.fa \ # reference genome in fasta format
--output cell.vcf \ # output vcf file
--snp_type hsnp \ # using heterozygous SNPs pre-called from bulk DNA
--snp_in hsnp.vcf (or bed) \ # vcf or bed file of heterozygous SNPs pre-called from bulk DNA
--cpu_num 8 \ # using 8 cpu threads
--engine samtools # using samtools engine
I.b When you do not have heterozygous SNPs pre-called from bulk DNA of the same subject, obtain SNPs from dbSNP or other databases,
python \
--bam cell.bam \ # bam file of a single cell
--fasta ref.fa \ # reference genome in fasta format
--output cell.vcf \ # output vcf file
--snp_type dbsnp \ # using SNPs from dbSNP database (or other database)
--snp_in dbsnp.vcf (or bed) \ # vcf or bed file containing all SNPs in dbSNP (or other) database
--cpu_num 8 \ # using 8 cpu threads
--engine samtools # using samtools engine
python \
--bam cell.bam \ # bam file of a single cell
--bulk bulk.bam \ # bam file of bulk DNA
--fasta ref.fa \ # reference genome in fasta format
--output cell.vcf \ # output vcf file
--snp_type hsnp \ # using heterozygous SNPs pre-called from bulk DNA
--snp_in hsnp.vcf (or bed) \ # vcf or bed file of heterozygous SNPs pre-called from bulk DNA
--cpu_num 8 \ # using 8 cpu threads
--engine samtools # using samtools engine
II.b Step 2. Filtering out SNVs and INDELs observed in bulk or sequencing depth <= 20x in the single cell
grep '0/1' cell.vcf | grep 'True' | awk '$7=="." && length($5)==1' | awk -F "[:,]" '$8+$9>=20' > cell.somatic.snv.vcf
grep '0/1' cell.vcf | grep 'True' | awk '$7=="." && length($5)>1' | awk -F "[:,]" '$8+$9>=20' > cell.somatic.indel.vcf
Please note, sccaller was designed assuming diploidy genome and two copies of chromosomes. It cannot be used for calling mutations from X/Y chromosome of a male subject.
v2.0.0, 2019.04.01, allowing parallel processing, optimizing I/O, optimizing pipeline, output in vcf format, and fixing bugs
v1.21, 2018.08.18, fixing bugs
v1.2, 2017.05.01, allow INDEL calling, release version
v1.1.3, 2017.01.09, users can change the min mapQ, default to 40
v1.1.2, 2016.12.30, fixing bugs
v1.1.1, 2016.12.29, update read_mpileup to consider indels
V1.1, 2016.07.25, fixing bugs, release version
v1.0, 2016.04.26, release version
v0.0.4, 2016.04.26, fixed bugs in readling mpileup file
v0.0.3, 2016.04.22, read_mpilup function returns mindepth fails before returning reference genotype
v0.0.3, 2016.04.22, default mapQ change from 20 to 40
v0.0.2, 2016.04.19, fix bugs - jump mpileup file column not fit problem.
v0.0.1, 2016.03, add likelihood ratio test based on null distribution from the data resampling.