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birdhousebuilder.recipe.pywps is a Buildout recipe to install and configure PyWPS with Anaconda. PyWPS is a Python implementation of a Web Processing Service (WPS). PyWPS will be deployed as a Supervisor service and is available behind a Nginx web server. This recipe is used by the Birdhouse project.


The recipe requires that Anaconda is already installed. You can use the buildout option anaconda-home to set the prefix for the anaconda installation. Otherwise the environment variable CONDA_PREFIX (variable is set when activating a conda environment) is used as conda prefix.

It installs the pywps package from a conda channel in a conda environment defined by CONDA_PREFIX. The location of the intallation is given by the prefix buildout option. It setups a PyWPS output folder in ${prefix}/var/lib/pywps. It deploys a Supervisor configuration for PyWPS in ${prefix}/etc/supervisor/conf.d/pywps.conf. Supervisor can be started with ${prefix}/etc/init.d/supervisor start.

The recipe will install the nginx package from a conda channel and deploy a Nginx site configuration for PyWPS. The configuration will be deployed in ${prefix}/etc/nginx/conf.d/pywps.conf. Nginx will be started by supervisor.

By default PyWPS will be available on http://localhost:8091/wps?service=WPS&version=1.0.0&request=GetCapabilities.

The recipe depends on:

  • birdhousebuilder.recipe.conda,
  • birdhousebuilder.recipe.supervisor,
  • birdhousebuilder.recipe.nginx and
  • zc.recipe.deployment.

Supported options

The PyWPS options which are configured by buildout are explained in the PyWPS documentation.

The recipe supports the following buildout options:

Buildout option pointing to the root folder of the Anaconda installation. Default: $HOME/anaconda.

Buildout options for pywps:

Deployment option to set the prefix of the installation folder. Default: /
Deployment option to set the run user.
Deployment option to set the user of the /etc directory. Default: root
The name of your WPS project (used for config names and folder path).
The hostname of the PyWPS service (nginx). Default: localhost
The http port of the PyWPS service (nginx). Default: 8091
The https port of the PyWPS service (nginx). Default: 28091
http-output-port, output-port
The http port of the PyWPS output file service (nginx). Default: 8090
The https port of the PyWPS output file service (nginx). Default: 28090
Nginx option to verify SSL client certificates. Possible values: off (default), on, optional. `Nginx ssl_verify_client option`_
Nginx option with the name of the bundle of CA certificates for the client. Default: esgf-ca-bundle.crt. `Nginx ssl_client_certificate`_
Optional URL to download a bundle of CA certificates for ssl-client-certificate. Default:
The number of gunicorn workers for handling requests. Default: 1
PyWPS WSGI Application. Default: ${name}:application.
Title used for your WPS service.
Description of your WPS service.
Logging level for PyWPS. Default: WARN
Logging string format for PyWPS. Default: %(asctime)s] [%(levelname)s] line=%(lineno)s module=%(module)s %(message)s
Database where the logs about requests/responses is to be stored. Allowed values are memory or sqlite. Default: sqlite.
Maximum number of parallel running processes. The effective number of parallel running processes is limited by the number of cores in the hosting machine. Default: 2
Maximum number of processes which are accepted in the queue. Default: 30
Maximal request size accepted in WPS process. Default: 30mb
List of server paths which are allowed to be accessed by file URL complex input parameters.
Processing mode to run jobs. Allowed values are default (multiprocessing) and slurm. Default: default

Example usage

The following example buildout.cfg installs PyWPS with Anaconda:

parts = pywps

recipe = birdhousebuilder.recipe.pywps
name = myproject
prefix = /
user = www-data
hostname = localhost
http-port = 8091
https-port = 28091

# pywps options
processes-import = myproject.processes
processes-path = ${buildout:directory}/myproject/processes
title = MyProject ...
abstract = MyProject does ...

After installing with Buildout start the PyWPS service with:

$ cd ${prefix}
$ etc/init.d/supervisord start  # start|stop|restart
$ etc/init.d/nginx start        # start|stop|restart
$ bin/supervisorctl status      # check that pycsw is running
$ less var/log/pywps/myproject.log  # check log file

Open your browser with the following URL:
