OpenAI inside Autodesk Revit
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Table of Contents
Clippy-Ai is an openAI inside Autodesk Revit integration that enables users to make text-based prompts to the openAI gpt-4.0 model and receive live updates to their open model based on their requests.
- Abhishek Bawiskar
- Matthew Breau
- Chris Chan
- Russell Feathers
- Alloy Kemp
- Francisco Maranchello
- Peter Zhang
- Visual Studio 2022
- OpenAI API
- RevitPy
- Flask
Build Clippy-AI yourself!
You will need the following libraries and/or software installed before getting to the fun!
- RevitPy
- Python, pip
- OpenAI Api Key
- Install RevitPy
- Point RevitPy Settings to clippyai\frontend e.g. C:\Users\RFeathers\Documents\GitHub\clippy-ai\frontend
- Reload RevitPy
- Set up Local Python Environment
- Copy OpenAI ApiKey as chatgptapikey.env file in server folder (just the key, no name needed)
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- python main.py
- Better Context and Prompting
- Adding in RevitPy Documentation Search and Context
- Learning more and experimenting with prompting (https://www.promptingguide.ai/)
- Hosting on Cloud
- Flask Server
- Updating Requests from frontend to include OpenAI key
See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
Thank you AEC Tech 2023, CORE Studio, Thornton Tomasetti, and the machines for making this hack possible AECTech.